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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 7, 1979 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />4W 4. Public Hearings: (Continued) <br />e) Appeal of Planning Commission Denial, LANDS OF LOW, File TM #2088-78. <br />Following a brief introduction by the City Manager, the City Engineer displayed on the <br />viewgraph the proposed common driveway to serve one of these lots and Lands of Love. <br />Mr. Gulickson, Applicant's Attorney, cited his objections to the reasons given for denial <br />of the proposed subdivision and legal clarification he felt should be addressed. <br />Thereafter, the City Attorney cautioned Councilmembers against debating the matter at hand <br />and offered his agreement with the effectiveness of items covered by the Planning Commission <br />relative to the denial. <br />Mr. Low, Applicant, stated that he was open to a re -location of driveway access and whatever <br />measures felt necessary to obtain approval for this map application. <br />Council concerns are as follows: (1) Awkward configuration for driveway access; (2) Noise <br />mitigation problems caused by proximity of IS280; (3) Inadequacies on Lot 3 resultant from <br />two fault lines as well as noise of IS280; and (4) Ability of the land to possibly only <br />support two lots rather than three as proposed. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Councilman Nystrom <br />and carried unanimously to uphold the Planning Commission denial subject to the reasons <br />given for LANDS OF LOW, File TM #2088-78. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman Proft <br />and passed unanimously to continue the meeting until 12:00 to finish items on the Agenda. <br />f) Request for Building Site Approval, LANDS OF LOVE, File B.S.A. #6103-77. <br />(Continued from 2/21/79 Meeting to be considered with Lands of Low.) <br />Councilmembers reiterated their problems with the consideration of a sub -standard lot and <br />their wish to view proposed house plans for this property. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Mayor Hillestad and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to delete Condition 6B. <br />AYES: Mayor Hillestad, Councilmembers McReynolds and Proft. <br />NOES: Councilmembers Nystrom and Perkins. <br />Discussion followed on methods of obtaining viable alternatives for dealing with this <br />parcel as split by Council previously, grading necessitated by driveway re -location and <br />Council's overall unhappiness with the problems posed. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Mayor Hillestad, seconded by Councilman Perkins and <br />ailed by the following roll call vote to approve LANDS OF LOVE, File B.S.A. #6103-77. <br />AYES: Mayor Hillestad and Councilman McReynolds. <br />NOES: Councilmembers Nystrom and Proft. <br />ABSTAIN: Councilman Perkins. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Councilman McReynolds <br />and passed unanimously to re -consider the above Motion at the March 21, 1979 Meeting. <br />Consensus was to hear this matter early in the meeting in order to avoid detaining the <br />Applicant until a late hour. <br />��. NEW BUSINESS: <br />Councilmembers talked with the City Engineer and City Attorney regarding claims against <br />the Town by BAS Homes, Inc. and contents of a letter to be sent. Determination was to <br />hear as to the disposition of the claims at an Adjourned Meeting on March 15, 1979. <br />-6- <br />