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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 2, 1979 <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: (Continued) <br />4W 3. Reports from the Planning Commission: None <br />4. Presentations from the Floor: None <br />D. STAFF - REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE & ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Bid Award and Resolution - Dump Truck Purchase. <br />(Although continued to have the Cit Attorney present, for continuity this matter will be <br />shown at this point in the Minutes.� <br />Councilmembers discussed with the City Manager the methods utilized to obtain bids, the <br />close proximity of bids received and legal options available in the awarding. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Councilwoman <br />Hillestad and carried unanimously to award the bid for Dump Truck Purchase to the lowest <br />bidder, South Bay Ford. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Review of Corridor Evaluation and Resolution. <br />The following areas of concern were addressed by the Council: (1) That their previous <br />action relative to the Study was in support of the concept, however, not a full endorse- <br />ment; (2) Subsequently, various city recommendations had been mis-interpreted and ignored; <br />(3) The current fuel shortage necessitates that the Study thoroughly address all County <br />transit problems; (4) Small cities are hurt the most by most recommendations contained; <br />and, (5) Since the Town's "qualified rejection" was ignored, perhaps, a "full rejection" <br />would elicit review and response to the Council's feelings on this matter. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Councilman Perkins <br />and passed by the following roll call vote to direct the Mayor to send a letter to R. <br />Diridon expressing that Los Altos Hills goes on record as rejecting the recommendations <br />of the Corridor Evaluation Study because of serious reservations expressed by us and <br />other cities which have not been addressed adequately. <br />AYES: Mayor McReynolds and Councilmembers Nystrom, Perkins and Proft. <br />NOES: Councilwoman Hillestad. <br />2. Request from Wm. Alhouse to move house and water tower. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Following a brief discussion on Code requirements for house <br />re -locations within the Town, it was moved by Councilwoman Hillestad, seconded by Council- <br />man Nystrom and carried unanimously to approve the request of Mr. Wm. Alhouse to move the <br />house and water tower, subject to the obtaining of all necessary permits. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Councilwoman <br />Hillestad and passed unanimously to approve the request of Mr. Snedigar to move the house <br />currently on his property to a location out of Town, subject to the obtaining of all <br />necessary permits. <br />3. Ordinance for Adoption (Urgency Ordinance effective immediately). <br />40 Ordinance # approving urgency moratorium on the use of real property in the Chaparral <br />planning area. <br />-3- <br />
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