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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 16, 1979 <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1 1. Proposal for modification of By -Laws and facilities, Friends of Westwind. <br />L <br />Following a brief introduction by the City Manager, Councilmembers discussed the Use <br />Permit requirement that all By -Laws changes be approved by Council, the May 10, 1979 <br />letter from the Board of Directors and the riding ring improvements proposed. <br />Mr. Davis, Westwind Board President, advised of the steady financial improvements during <br />Westwind's first two years of operation and, more importantly, the enormous progress with <br />people programs. He then outlined the recent Board changes to the By -Laws, the upcoming <br />loss of one riding ring and the funds requested for contemplated improvements. <br />Mrs. Wood, Stonebrook, cited her objections to expending any further Town monies for <br />Westwind projects and reiterated that this should be a self-sufficient operation. <br />Mr. Davis, Westwind Board President, stated that previous discussions on rent reductions <br />TA never resulted in actual reductions and that all volunteers involved had expended <br />their best efforts in making this a viable and worthwhile contribution to the Town. <br />Mrs. Stevenson, Pathway Committee, spoke for Westwind has a major asset to the Town's <br />recreational elements. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem <br />Proft and carried unanimously by all members present to continue consideration of the <br />Westwind By -Laws changes to the June 6, 1979 meeting for further review of the wording <br />and recommendations from the City Manager with emphasis on impacts to Los Altos Hills <br />if the changes were approved. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Councilman Perkins <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to approve an allocation from the General <br />Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance of 50% of the improvements for the riding ring, not to <br />exceed $4,500. <br />G. NEW BUSINESS: <br />Councilman Nystrom presented a check from the Little League for improvements completed <br />at the Youth Facility. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Proft called the Council's attention to items listed on the Mayor's <br />recent memo which necessitated an Adjourned Meeting. <br />Council then adjourned at 10:25 P.M. to an Executive Session for Personnel and Litigation. <br />Upon re -convening, the City Council adjourned at 11:15 P.M. to an Adjourned Meeting at <br />3:00 P.M., Wednesday, May 30, 1979. <br />(CLERK'S NOTE: THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF MAY 30, 1979 WAS LATER CANCELLED DUE TO <br />LACK OF A QUORUM) <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Susan Buttler <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />-5- <br />