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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 6, 1979 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />to 1. Ordinance #252 (Continued) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Councilman Proft <br />and carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance #252 adding Chapter 4, entitled "Purchasing <br />System" to Title 2 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. (SECOND READING) <br />2. Ordinance #_ amending Chapter 4, entitled "Sewage" of Title 6 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code by amending Section 6-4.122 thereof. (FIRST READING) <br />Following a brief review of Code regulations, it was Council determination that all fee <br />schedules should be by resolution action rather than by ordinance. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Councilwoman <br />Hillestad and carried unanimously to continue consideration of the item until the <br />appropriate resolution might be drafted. <br />3. Request for Final Map Approval, LANDS OF DAWSON, File FM #3073-79. <br />Council objections to the request before them were the absence of the pathway easement <br />along the easterly boundary of Lot 16, the need to label certain areas as "geologic <br />restrictions for human habitation" and, generally, the inability of recent Final Map <br />applications to be in conformance with approved Tentative Maps. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Councilman Perkins <br />and passed unanimously to continue the LANDS OF DAWSON, File FM #3073-79, to the next <br />meeting in order to consider a Final Map which reflects the Conditions of Approval <br />imposed thereon. <br />At approximately 9:00 p.m., Councilwoman Hillestad excused herself from the meeting. <br />4. Public Hearings: <br />a) Appeal of Planning Commission Denial, LANDS OF OLIVER, File VAR #7042-77. <br />Mr. Oliver, Applicant, requested a liberal interpretation of Code requirements during <br />consideration of this appeal as he felt the proposed tennis court would have no adverse <br />impact on the neighborhood and, if approved, he would also remedy drainage problems <br />in the area. He then showed slides to demonstrate the screening of the proposed loca- <br />tion and existing tennis courts in the Town which are not aesthetic from a visual stand- <br />point. In response to Council questions as to meeting the six conditions imposed, Mr. <br />Oliver cited the lot shape, the neighborhood agreement to the proposal, the resolve of <br />the unique drainage problems, the existence of three other courts in his immediate area <br />and that this proposed use would not be detrimental in any way. <br />Council discussion followed with the applicant on the State requirements imposed on the <br />Town's regulations, on the history of the Town's consideration of tennis courts, on the <br />need to separate solving drainage problems from the variance request, on the fact that <br />this variance entails a 45% encroachment into the setback, the legal ramifications that <br />a liberal interpretation of the Code involves, and the limitations imposed by the con- <br />figuration of this lot on the siting of a tennis court. <br />Mr. Hull, Adobe Lane, a neighbor, spoke for granting the variance. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Councilman Perkins <br />and failed by the following roll call vote to approve the LANDS OF OLIVER. <br />AYES: Councilman Nystrom. <br />NOES: Mayor McReynolds, Councilmembers Perkins and Proft. <br />ABSENT: Councilwoman Hillestad. <br />Dr. Chu, Palo Hills Drive, felt that, due to the topography of the majority of the Hills, <br />Tot size and shape should be considered unique and meet the conditions. <br />-4- <br />