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C= CaMIL MINDT'ES - November 7, 1979 <br />D. STAFF - REPORTS, CORIMPONDENCE & AMiGUNCEMK9'S: (Continued) <br />4W 1. a) City Manager/St. Nicholas crossing Report (Continued) <br />Mrs. Bodine, Nora Drive, cited the following to be considered in support of retaining <br />a crossing guard provided by the Tom: 1) 71 of the school families live in the Hills <br />and pay local taxes; 2) She neighboring community provides crossing guards for both <br />public and parochial schools within its boundaries; 3) The Town has not as yet res- <br />ponded on the legal liability question; and, 4) The City Manager has not met with <br />concerned parties as directed at the last Council meeting. <br />Mayor McReynolds advised the City Manages to take agressive treasures to meet with <br />those concerned within the next week. The City Attorney stated that use of State <br />traffic safety funds were at the discretion of the local govern ent, that if the <br />problem centered on the on/off ramps of IS280 CALTRANS aid might be enlisted in its <br />resolve and if the intersection itself was determined to be hazardous the Council <br />should do one of the following: 1) Close off the intersection; 2) Bear in total the <br />cost of a crossing guard; 3) Furnish a crossing guard who would be paid for by the <br />school; or, 4) Take whatever action recommended by the traffic engineer to resolve the <br />problem. <br />MOTION SECDNDED AND CARRIED- Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Councilwoman <br />Hillestad and carried nnan„n,nsly to continue this matter to the next meeting, directing <br />that the City Manager agressively continue negotiations to resolve the problem and <br />maintain the services of the Town's Security Officer as a crossing guard in the interim. <br />2. City Attorney: <br />c a) Report on Chaparral Way and proposed Resolution. <br />Mr. Pearlman, Attorney for the Horton, advised that he was having a court reporter <br />transcribe both this tatter and consideration of the Horton Tentative Map later. <br />The City Attorney then advised of the error on the Resolution approving Final Map <br />for Tract 46355 in September, 1978 which was the dedication for public use for a <br />small portion of Chaparral Way, the rest of which is private. He then recommnded <br />that the Council first adopt the Resolution before correcting the inadvertent acoep- <br />tance and that an amended Clerk's certificate be prepared. <br />M KION =LADED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Councilman Nystrom <br />and pas 1 owang roll call vote to adopt Resolution #1244 zmending Resolution <br />#1152, deleting public dedication of portion of Chaparral Way. <br />AYES: Councilnimbers Hillestad, Nystrom and Perkins. <br />NOES: None. <br />PRES=: Mayor McReynolds and Councilman Proft. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. ordinance #257 providing for historical preservation. <br />The City Attorney provided introduction, noting the revised sections now included. <br />M CN SEMNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilor Hillestad, seconded by Councilman <br />Nystrom and passed unanimous ly to waive further reading of Ordinance #257. <br />M7rION SECa= AMID CARRIED: Moved by Councilwwoan Hillestad, seconded by Councilman <br />Nystrom and carried unannrously to adopt Ordinance #257 amrA;nq Title 9 of the Los <br />[ Altos Hills Municipal Code by adding thereto Chapter 6 entitled "Tandark Designation <br />'fir <br />and Preservation". <br />-3- <br />