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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 5, 1979 <br />B. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) <br />`r 5. Resolutions for Adoption: <br />a) Resolution #1248 of agreement pursuant to Revenue and <br />Taxation Code Section 99 for exchange of property tax <br />revenue for territories affected by a jurisdictional <br />change. <br />b) Resolution #1249 accepting certain improvements in <br />connection with Tract No. 6527, LANDS OF ASTRA, Final <br />Map #3065-78. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded <br />by Councilman Nystrom and passed unanimously to defer approval of <br />Item B.1., approval of November 7, 1979 minutes, until the official <br />transcript is received from the court reporter, specifically with <br />reference to the discussion of the Lands of Horton. <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports of Standing Committees: <br />a) Pathway Committee - Insignias for pathway signs. <br />Mrs. Carol Gottlieb, Chairman/Pathway Committee, presented an <br />initial report on the insignia project. Two designs were given <br />to Councilmembers for their consideration. In response to ques- <br />tions from Councilmembers, Mrs. Gottlieb reported that these <br />insignias would indicate general use, i.e. pedestrian and eques- <br />trian, unless specifically noted. She also noted that they would <br />be spread out over the town rather than concentrated in one area. <br />Councilmembers were in favor of the project and asked Mrs. Gottlieb <br />to continue gathering data and make a further presentation at a <br />later time. <br />2. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: None <br />3. Reports from the Planning Commission: <br />a) Report on proposed landscape policy (continued from last <br />meeting) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, <br />seconded by Councilman Nystrom and passed unanimously to <br />adopt the Draft Policy Statement Regarding Landscaping as <br />administrative policy with resolution action to follow. <br />M <br />-2- <br />