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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - February I, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />I. Ordinance for Introduction - Jogging: (Continued) <br />Mr. Sobel, Christopher's Lane, stated that the poor condition of his road prevented <br />a jogging problem and reiterated his complaints regarding road maintenance in the Town. <br />Mrs. Miller, Vista del Valle Court, cited the unfavorable national attention given <br />this matter and the humorous Impracticalities of enforcing the Ordinance. She also <br />urged a crackdown on speeding motorists in the Town. <br />Mr. Stearn, Palo Alto, told of the health benefits he derived from jogging and the <br />safety precautions taken during the Fun Runs. He supported posting signs, painting <br />jogging lanes and stricter law enforcement by the Sheriff's Department. <br />Mr. Bleisch, Robleda, said that brush overgrowth prevented joggers from using his <br />road which might provide a safer route for them. <br />Mr. Oakes, County, talked about the outstanding runners who had emerged from these <br />events and the over 250,000 miles covered with only one Incident. He felt that a <br />good policing job had been done by the joggers themselves and the publicity only <br />served to put more people on the streets. <br />Mr. Kempf, Los Altos, was surprised, as one who jogs 40 miles per week, to learn of <br />the proposed restrictive Ordinance. He concurred with the dangers present on Moody <br />Road and the out and back route of the Fun Run did quite often place runners on both <br />sides of the Road simultaneously. <br />Ms. Ayres, Los Altos, urged a spirit of cooperation between all involved and felt <br />that, If all joggers used a common sense approach on dangerous road areas, the <br />4 problem would quickly resolve Itself. <br />Mr. O'Dell, De-Anza College, offered to conduct a course in safety for all joggers <br />who wished to attend. <br />Mrs. Savlano, Corte Madera, told of the extensive pathway system in the Town and <br />urged the joggers utilize these whenever possible. <br />Ai <br />Following a brief recess, Mayor Pro Tem Hillestad praised the orderly progression <br />of the meeting and the excellent public forum that had resulted. Council consensus <br />was to eliminate the draft Ordinance prohibiting jogging and table the draft <br />Ordinance providing for permits. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Thereafter, moved by Councilman Cheney, seconded by <br />Councilman McReynolds and passed unanimously by all members present to: Appoint <br />a 5 member (one by each Councilmember) Ad Hoc Committee to work with the organized <br />joggers to establish safety regulations, routes and procedures to be followed for <br />the Sunday Fun Runs. <br />Mrs. Carico, O'Keefe Lane, praised Councllmembers for their efforts in resolving <br />this touchy Issue. <br />2. Request for Final Map Approval, LANDS OF NEWMAN, File FM #3043-78. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Cheney, seconded by Councilman <br />Proft and carried unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #1103 <br />approving the Final Parcel Map for Lands of Newman. <br />-4- <br />