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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 15, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS; (Continued) <br />44W 2. a) Request for cancellation of Williamson Act Contracts (Continued) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Mayor Hillestad <br />and carried unanimously to deny the request for cancellation of certain Williamson Act <br />Contracts - LANDS OF PERRETT. <br />b) Request for Tentative Map Approval, LANDS OF COUNTRY WAY SUBDIVISION, File <br />TM #2041-76. <br />The City Manager gave a brief summation of this application noting the deletion of two <br />lots and review by the Planning Commission as requested by Council. <br />Mr. Woolworth, Applicant referenced the revised map before Council and the Intent to <br />blend homes Into the area. He stressed his objection to the path request over the con- <br />servation easement. <br />Speaking for the pathway along the easterly side of the property were: Mrs. Flksdal, <br />Chairman/Pathway Committee; Jean Struthers, Robleda Road, Bob Stutz, Elena Road; Fran <br />Stevenson Beaver Lane; and, Mary Stutz, Elena Road. <br />Offered in support of this proposal were the following: (1) This path would provide a <br />vital connection between Page Mill Road and Duveneck property; (2) Would be a scenic <br />approach rather than sidewalk type of pathway; (3) Create the longest cross country <br />trail In the Town; (4) Measures could be taken to close the area during fire season; <br />(5) Proper construction would avoid erosion problems; (6) Motorcycle control can be <br />accomplished with barriers; (7) Within guidelines of the General Plan, this constitutes <br />a proper utilization of a conservation easement; and, (8) Would be in the public Interest <br />of the majority. <br />Speaking for the pathway as proposed along Country Way were: A. Woolworth, Applicant; <br />Michael Kuranoff, South Fork Lane; R. Swann, Leander; Michael Stewart, Chal man/Planning <br />Commission; W. Stegner, Three Forks Lane; C. Green, South Fork Lane; and, Bonnie Davis, <br />South Fork Lane. <br />Items noted against the pathway along the easterly side of the subject property were: <br />(1) Increased fire hazard created by encouraging pedestrian/equestrian traffic; (2) <br />Enticement of that area to motorcyclists; (3) Erosion problems; (4) Privacy infringe- <br />ment on current residents and residents of the new subdivision; (5) The proposed path <br />along Country Way would be more functional; and, (6) Damage would occur to the steep <br />terrain during the wet season. <br />M07ION SECONDED AND CARRIED: As it was past the hour of adjournment, it was moved by <br />Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman Brown and carried unanimously to reset <br />the adjourning time to 12:30 AM. <br />Council discussion followed on the need to resolve these issues before the application <br />reaches this level of consideration. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Mayor Hillestad <br />and passed unanimously to add the following to Condition 3: and approved by the City <br />Engineer. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Mayor Hillestad <br />and carrli;d -unanimously to add the following to Condition 4: and certified by a Regis- <br />tered Civil Engineer. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman <br />4W Brown and passed unanimously to add the following to Condition 19, designation Item f: <br />Removal or destruction of live trees six inches in diameter, as measured three feet <br />off the ground, Is prohibited. <br />-4- <br />