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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 19, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />2. b) LANDS OF DAWSON (Continued) <br />During the amendment process, Council discussion centered on access to the property, <br />uses permitted In the Town -owned Open Space area and methods of alerting purchasers <br />to noise problems. <br />Mr. Gregorwich Noise Abatement Committee questioned tree planting and maintenance <br />requirements to be enforced by the Town. <br />Mr. Lambert, Developer, stated they will follow the Pack Report recommendation for <br />evergreen seedlings. <br />Mr. Gregorwich, Noise Abatement Committee, strongly suggested potted Eucalyptus or <br />Arizona Cypress be utilized. <br />Mr. Bane, Magdalena, requested that the plantings be staggered and was advised that <br />they would be. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Amend Condition 19 as follows: <br />Access to Lot 37 having frontage on the conservation easement shall be allowed <br />with either a bridge or culvert. The Improvements within the conservation <br />easement shall be subject to review at the time of Site Development. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend and add the following to Condition 21: <br />c. Dedicate a ten foot (101) equestrian and pedestrian easement along the <br />southeasterly line of Lots 1-5 and 13-15 and between Lots 17 and 18. <br />f. Construct a ten foot (101) equestrian/pedestrian easement along Lots 32 <br />and 33 joining Dawson Drive with Parcel 'A'. <br />g. Construct a ten foot (101) pedestrian easement along the common boundary <br />lines of Lots 36, 37, 38 and 39 joining Dawson Drive with Parcel 'A'. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To delete Item b. from Condition 13. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend Condition 22 as follows: <br />The keeping of hoofed animals shall be prohibited on Lots 1-4 and 32-40. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To add as new Condition 23 the following: <br />All mitigating measures as specified in the Negative Declaration shall be <br />Included In the Tentative Map approval. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To add as new Condition 24 the following: <br />The Applicant shall be granted a Conditional Exception to include Parcel 'A' <br />for the purpose of determining slope density calculations for this subdivision. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Councilman <br />Nystrom and carried unanimously to approve LANDS OF DAWSON, File TM #2073-77 <br />subject to Conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission and, as amended <br />above with mitigating measures added to the Negative Declaration. <br />b) Request for re -consideration of Negative Declaration and Tentative Map <br />Approval, LANDS OF GERARD INVESTMENT, File TM #2071-77. <br />4 Following a brief explanation of the new solls Investigation before Council by <br />the City Manager, the Public Hearing was opened for consideration of the Negative <br />Declaration. <br />-5- <br />