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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 31, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />2. a) LANDS OF ARMES (Continued) <br />Mr. Stewart Chairman/Planning Commission, offered clarification on the revised map <br />before Council and the map as approved by the Planning Commission. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Councilman Brown <br />and carried unanimously to change the word "review" In the next to last sentence of <br />Condition I to "approval" and to add the following sentence to Condition I: Recom- <br />mendations of the Soils Engineer shall be considered minimum standards. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Councilman <br />Nystrom and passed unanimously to approve LANDS OF ARMES, File TM #2078-78 subject <br />to conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission and, as amended above. <br />b) Request for Tentative Map Approval, LANDS OF CASTERSON, File TM #2075-77. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Mayor Hillestad <br />and carried unanimously to adopt a Negative Declaration, LANDS OF CASTERSON, File <br />TM #2075-77. <br />Following Introduction by the City Manager, discussion centered on numbers of and dis- <br />crepancies In the maps before Council. Councilman Proft questioned the accuracy of <br />Condition 9, relative to access to the property. <br />Mr. StewartChairman/Planning Commission, stated that only one map had been approved <br />by the Commission and that the superimposed aerial map wes for study purposes. <br />(Discussion on Lands of Casterson was then continued by consensus to later In the <br />t meeting for a re -write on Condition 9, however, for the purposes of continuity In the <br />Minutes it will be completed in the order shown.) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman <br />McReynolds and carried unanimously to re -word Condition 9 to read: The Final Map <br />shall prohibit vehicular access from Parcel I to Elena Road except that portion of <br />4 the thirty (30) foot right-of-way easement as shown on the Tentative Map dated <br />April 19, 1978,and along the southwesterly line of the aforesaid thirty (30) foot <br />easement for a distance of fifty (50) feet measured southwesterly from the south- <br />westerly line of Elena Road. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To change the word "review" in the next to last sentence of <br />Condition 2 to "approval" and to add the following sentence: Recommendations of the <br />Soils Engineer shall be considered minimum standards. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To re -word Condition 11 to read: Conditional exceptions, under <br />Article XV of Ordinance No. 239, shall be granted for:. <br />i MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman <br />McReynolds and passed unanimously to approve LANDS OF CASTERSON, File TM #2075-77 <br />subject to conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission and, as amended above. <br />' c) Review of Conditional Use Permit, LANDS OF SIUDZINSKI, File C.U.P. #8013-78 <br />(Applicant requests amendment). <br />During his Introduction, the City Manager stated that, due to re -calculation of slope <br />density for the subject property, the option could be exercised to allow a kitchen <br />In the secondary dwelling. Comm lssloner Perkins supplied background information on <br />the slope density calculation process, the option offered and the need, In this <br />Instance, to determine if natural contour lines can be established on quarry property. <br />-4- <br />