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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 31, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />` 2. c) LANDS OF SIUDZINSKI (Continued) <br />Council commentary centered on future subdividability of this property, slope density <br />and natural contour considerations, former quarry operations and the ability to apply <br />option given by Section 9-5.703 (k) of the Municipal Code to this request. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Councilman Proft, seconded by Mayor Hillestad and <br />failed by the following roll call vote to refer LANDS OF SIUDZINSKI back to the Plan- <br />ning Commission for their consideration of application of option under the 55% rule <br />as It relates to determining natural slopes for quarry operations and return, with <br />policy statement, to Council. <br />AYES: Councilman Proft. <br />NOES: Mayor Hillestad, Councilmembers Brown, McReynolds and Nystrom. <br />Thereafter, the City Attorney stated that the Issue to be considered was that the <br />acreage (2.02) was capable of providing area for two lots, thus making the Applicant's <br />request for amendment possible. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Nystrom <br />and carried unanimously to amend Condition 3 to read: The larger of the two existing <br />older units shall be converted to a guest house with kitchen facilities - and to approve <br />the Annual Renewal of LANDS OF SIUDZINSKI as amended. <br />d) Request for Conditional Use Permit for Secondary Dwelling - LANDS OF STAMSCHROR- <br />SILVER, File C.U.P. #8029-78 (Planning Commission recommended denial without <br />prejudice of request on May 24, 1978). <br />Mr. Silver, Applicant, stated he was at a loss to understand the denial and advised <br />Council of the improvements that they had accomplished with efforts to meet all areas <br />of compliance. <br />Speaking against the granting of the Use Permit were: Mrs. Vitakls, Dianne Drive; <br />Mrs. DuCott, Dianne Drive; Mrs. Chan, La Rena Drive; and Mr. Brown, Dianne Drive. <br />Reasons cited for this opposition by the above were: Inability to police against <br />the rental of the secondary dwelling In the future, the alternate access lends <br />itself to rental use, an extensive litter and traffic problem has occurred in the <br />past and, finally, the Town's intent to eliminate secondary dwellings (Mr. Brown). <br />Mr. Silver Applicant asked to go on record, as a long time resident of Los Altos <br />Hills, stating that he was unaware that the Town wished to discontinue secondary <br />dwellings and requesting Council clarification of this issue as he wished to build <br />a guest house on his property. <br />Councilmembers advised Mr. Silver that the Intent was only to discontinue the use <br />existing secondary dwellings being used as rentals and to Insure compliance of all <br />properties with the Municipal Code. <br />Mr. Sliver, Applicant, told of his letter of acceptance of all conditions Imposed <br />by the Planning Comnisslon, his wish to install a gate for emergencies at the drive- <br />way to the secondary dwelling and that he would like all documents recorded to Insure <br />that any purchaser of this property would utilize this dwelling only as a guest house. <br />Discussion followed on the size of the sink in the dwelling, thirty-five feet over <br />Town limitations of the secondary dwelling, previous complaints pertaining tothis <br />property, and enforcement methods to maintain this as a guest house only. Thereafter, <br />Councilman Brown offered suggestions for Planning Commission consideration in con- <br />junction with the final motion for referral to the Commission. <br />-5- <br />