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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 21, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />1. a) LANDS OF PERRETT (Continued) <br />with the provisions of the Williamson Act; (4) The ability of his clients to subdivide <br />the entire 75 acres within 10 years, thus costing the Town 23 acres of Open Space; and <br />(5) The Immediate revenue gains available to the Town by approving withdrawal of this <br />property as requested. <br />Thereafter, the City Attorney read the title of each document presented, after which <br />Mayor Hillestad ordered their inclusion, along with Mr. Burn's statements, Into the <br />recorded transcript. <br />Speaking, in order, for the proposed cancellation of the Williamson Act Contract were: <br />Dennis Surtees, Los Altos; Manasseh Manoukian, Los Altos Hills; Verna Johnson, Los Altos <br />Hills; Jack Nielsen, Los Altos Hills; Phil MacHale, Los Altos Hills, William Hahn, Los <br />Altos Hills; John Dawson, Los Altos Hills; and, Mildred Gallo, Los Altos Hills. <br />A brief summation of the statements given by the above is as follows: (1) Selfish <br />motives are preventing newcomers from the enjoyment of living in Los Altos Hills; (2) <br />The rights of any person to develop his property as he desires should be guarded; (3) <br />The generosity of the proposed 23 acres Open Space dedication; (4) The favorable prece- <br />dent set for this request by recent Town approvals of large subdivisions; (5) The <br />current need for more hones and tax revenue In this area; and (6) Enforcement measures <br />are now available to the Town for construction on this property which may be sacrificed <br />by delay. <br />S Speaking against the proposed cancellation of the Williamson Act Contract were: R.K. <br />�y Smith, Los Altos Hills; Lois Hogle, Los Altos Hills; William Edson, Los Altos Hills; <br />Kathleen Downey, Los Altos Hills; Eric Peterson, Los Altos Hills; Mrs. H. Carlisle, <br />Los Altos Hills; Stacy French, Los Altos Hills; and, John Hettinger, Los Altos Hills. <br />A brief outline of the reasons for this opposition is as follows: (1) The argument <br />that this is for the good of the public has already been refuted by over 320 signatures <br />on a petition against cancellation of the Williamson Act; (2) In spite of promises, <br />development will soon spread to the adjacent 675 acres; (3) Legal tenets have been proven <br />for the Town's and this property's Inclusion into the Williamson Act; (4) There has been <br />a failure to substantiate the Town's intent by their annexation action; (5) Increased <br />development results In more expense to the jurisdiction Involved; (6) Hazardous traffic <br />problems will follow development; and (7) The developer should be considered the only <br />beneficiary In granting this precedent -setting request. <br />Denis Hollwedel, Los Altos Hills, Introduced Into the record the original "Land Conser- <br />vation Agreement" for the subject property, citing his opposition to the cancellation <br />and that the penalty tax fee would not benefit the Town, but rather go to the County. <br />Mr. Burns, Attorney for the Applicant, then offered rebuttal, stating again the failure <br />of this property to comply with Williamson Act provisions, that the vote for annexation <br />carried with It knowledge of subsequent withdrawal requests and of the favorably en- <br />larged tax base which would be realized by the Town from hone building on this property. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Following the close of the Public Hearing, It was moved <br />by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman Nystrom and carried unanimously by <br />all members present to take this matter under advisement and schedule for deliberation, <br />to but not a Public Hearing, two meetings hence (July 19,1978) In order to enable Council's <br />review of the large volume of materials presented and the complete transcript of the <br />above. <br />-4- <br />
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