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CIN COUNCIL MINUTES - August 23, 1978 <br />D. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />7. a) Proposed revocation of Conditional Use Permit, ADOBE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB, <br />File C.U.P. #8004-74. <br />Mr. Brown Licensee. Adobe Creek Country Club, resumed, under oath, updating Councllmembers <br />on events slots the last heartng and Introduced a letter from the current President of the <br />Board of Directors of Adobe Creek Country Club. <br />to his Inquiries of tlnanclal s <br />Owner has assumed for the Club, <br />Manager, and problems the Board <br />Owner/Adobe Creek Country Club, questioned Mr. Brown as <br />acus when he joined the Club, the liability that the Land <br />compliance with the Management Contract by the Land Owner/ <br />would experience In managing the Club themselves. <br />Councilman Perkins objected to the line of questioning as to future problems the Club may <br />experience rather than getting answers to the Issues at hand. <br />Mr. Myers Attorney for the Land Owner/Adobe Creek Country Club, spoke for the relevancy <br />of the questioning In view of his client's repeated efforts to prevent just these type of <br />problems with his approach to the management of the Club's activities. <br />Councllmembers questioned Mr. Brown as to the difficulties encountered In the current <br />negotiations by Club members to purchase the Club, the Initiation of the negotiations by <br />the Land Owner subsequent to Use Permit compliance questioning by the Town, the legal <br />status of the various Boards, the ramifications of a recent letter to Club members from <br />the Land Owner (introduced Into the record) as It pertains to expenses Incurred by the <br />Club and the Inclusion Into the record of the Club's Minute Book of October 1975 to March <br />1977. <br />The City Attorney ascertained from Mr. Brown that he had no knowledge of why there weren't <br />any Minutes available since 1977 or why the Town had experienced difficulty In the past In <br />obtaining this and other documents called for In the Use Permit from the Club. He then <br />asked Mr. Brown about the Club's inability to obtain financial records of outside activities_ <br />from the Land Owner/Manager as well as Input into any accounting procedures of the Club. <br />Mr. Johnston Licensee Adobe Creek Country Club, offered history of the Club since his <br />joining in July, 1976 and answered questions from Council and the City Attorney relative <br />to his failure to examine financial records even when he was a Board member, violations <br />advised of by the Club's and Land Owner's attorney, Mr. Zoller, which precipitated the <br />re-structurtng of the Board, areas of concern as expressed by the various Board members <br />and his lack of knowledge as to the number of people Involved or revenue collected from <br />dutslde activities. <br />Mr. Myers Attorney for the Land Owner/Adobe Creek Country Club, questioned Mr. Johnston <br />as to legal advice sought in the past by Club members that the Land Owner had paid for and <br />that one Club member was designated to co-sign checks with the Land Owner/Manager. <br />Mr. CrawfordLicensee, Adobe Creek Country Club, expressed concern over the Club's future <br />and his opposition to the Use Permit revocation. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman Proft <br />and passed unani musty to direct the City Manager to write letters to Adobe Creek Country <br />Club and Adobe Creek Properties, Inc. requesting financial records since the Inception of <br />Adobe Creek Country Club as they relate to the Club, all financial records of the Land <br />Owner, Mr. Belluccl, or any other entity he controls which has a financial relationship <br />with this property, records of all catering and outside activities supplied for or held at <br />Adobe Creek Country Club and any other Minutes or changes to the By -Laws and/or Articles <br />y of Incorporation that may exist. Also, to request that Mr. Bellucci attend the next Public <br />*W Hearing. All of the Information needed is pursuant to the terms of the Conditional Use <br />Permit and the annual review thereof. <br />-4- <br />