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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - October 4, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />for 2. b) LANDS OF HIGHTOWER (Continued) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman <br />Proft and passed unanimously to add the following sentence to condition It. (b): <br />Houses on Lots I, 7 and 8 shall be sited to provide outdoor living areas on the side <br />opposite Interstate 280. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Councilman Nystrom <br />and carried unanimously to add as new condition 18.: The Applicant shall observe appro- <br />priate controls and, when necessary, have a professional archaeologist on site during <br />major cuts and grading operations at time of subdivision and site development Improvements. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Nystrom, seconded by Mayor Hillestad <br />and passed by the following roll call vote to approve the request for Tentative Map <br />Approval, LANDS OF HIGHTOWER, File TM 82089-78, subject to conditions as recommended by <br />the Planning Commission and, as amended by Council above. <br />With the arrival of the court report, It was determined to return to the Items as they <br />appeared on the Agenda. <br />I. Request for re -consideration of withdrawal from Williamson Act Contracts, LANDS OF <br />PERRETT. <br />Mayor Hillestad Introduced Into the record written submissions from RURAL and SEM <br />Developers. The City Attorney then outlined the action before Council as either approval <br />or denial of withdrawal from the Williamson Act with findings of fact In support, Including <br />therein that development would not be Inconsistent with the provisions of the Act and <br />would be in the public Interest. It was Council determination to re -open the Public <br />Hearing for brief summations from interested persons. <br />Mr. Smith, President/RURAL, read excerpts from their letter of September 26, 1978, <br />detailing the aspects of the compromise agreement for the subject property and adjacent <br />land which had been worked out between members of RURAL and SEM Developers. He spoke <br />for development now with this overall plan concept versus future plecemeal development <br />and for the Town's retaining of a Master Planner. <br />Mr. Greoorwich Chalrman/Noise Abatement Committee, stated his objections to the with- <br />drawal, possible conflict of interest problems and impact on the area. <br />Mr. Clifford, Stonebrook Drive, suggested that the quarry definitely be closed before <br />any development is allowed as proposed. <br />Mr. Gorem Stonebrook Drive, also felt that the quarry must be closed, citing traffic <br />danger problems along Stonebrook. fie praised the completeness of the planning approach <br />and hoped that the Town would consider all Issues carefully. <br />Mr. Hettinger, Priscilla Lane, stated that the proposal should be made legally binding <br />on parties before approval of withdrawal from the Williamson Act Contracts. <br />Mr. Oaksberoer, Mid -Peninsula Trust spoke In favor of the Open Space portion of the <br />plan as the most viable method of obtaining park land for this region. <br />Mr. Hollwedel, Pr lsci lla Lane, telt that the controlled development offered by this plan <br />far outwelghed future un certainitles. <br />Mrs. Miller, Thendara Way, advised that the Committee for GreenFoothills had not reviewed <br />this proposal as yet. <br />'JS <br />