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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - October 4, 1978 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (Continued) <br />1. LANDS OF PERRETT (Continued) <br />v Mr. Sobel Christopher's Lane, spoke against private deals and Increased Town growth. <br />Mrs. Jones La Loma, felt that the RURAL compromise did not represent 350 people. <br />Mr. Smith, President/RURAL, countered that they did represent that many people and, <br />perhaps, more. <br />Mrs Carlisle, Stonebrook Drive, stated her objections to increased traffic on Stonebrook. <br />Councllmembers discussed information presented, slope density and housing questions not <br />covered by the Plan, the ambitious nature of the proposal, how to best resolve all en- <br />vironmental Impact issues and the need for detailed guidelines prior to Council action. <br />The City Attorney advised as to pre -planning agreements that the Town might enter into <br />without commitments being made as to annexation or withdrawal from Williamson Act Contracts <br />now In force on these adjacent properties, and the corrective measures to be realized <br />by this overall approach. <br />Commissioner Lachenbruch commented as to the benefits the Town would realize from master <br />planning for sphere of Influence and hoped that slope density questions and legal contract=_ <br />might all be worked out. <br />CouncllmemDers then addressed the ramifications of proposed motions, the need for detailed <br />studies and maps, and Information to be provided by Staff In order to resolve this Issue. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman Perkins, seconded by Mayor Hlliestad <br />and passed unanimously to consider this Issue further, specifically, consideration of <br />withdrawal from Williamson Act Contracts. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman <br />Nystrom and carried unanimously to continue LANDS OF PERRETT to their next regular <br />meeting for the purpose of preparing an appropriate Resolution and directing that the <br />court reporter be present at this meeting. <br />2. Public Hearings: <br />a) Proposed revocation of Conditional Use Permit, ADOBE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB, <br />File C.U.P. #8004-74. <br />The City Manager Introduced Into the record the letter he sent to the Board of Directors <br />and Mr. Belluccl requesting specific Information and advised that there had been no <br />response to date. <br />Mr. Bryant, Board Member, stated that there had been a breakdown In the members'negotia- <br />tions to purchase the Club. <br />Mr. James, Moody Road, answered questions as to expenses Incurred by the Property Owner <br />In the last 2-3 years In bringing the Club into compliance with the Use Permit and as <br />to his residence on the property. <br />As there were no further witnesses desiring to be heard, both attorneys stated that they <br />wished to offer summations at the next Council meeting. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilman McReynolds, seconded by Councilman <br />Perkins and passed unanimously to continue the hearing on the proposed revocation of <br />low Conditional Use Permit, ADOBE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB, to their next regular meeting. <br />-4- <br />