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(( CITY COUNCIL rrINUTES - J.3nu,11 r 26, 1976 <br />\r SPECIAL ORDERS: (Cont'd) <br />Mayor Grabowski announced that, because of the lateness of the hour, and with <br />the consent of those concerned, Items E 5 and 8, Items F 1 and 2, and <br />Iteeem bruary <br />would not be heard, but placed on the Agenda for the Council meetin„ o <br />4, 1976. <br />6. LANDS OF DOYLE, File #Fr13011-75, J. Riley, Engineer: Request for Final <br />Plan approval. <br />1,1r. Crowe stated that the man had been reviewed by the City Engineer and had <br />his approval, and that Mr. Gillio had drawn up a subdivision agreement for <br />subject property. <br />Councilwoman Miller moved, seconded by Councilman Helgesson to adopt <br />Resolution #932 approving final map and approving and authorizing execution <br />of subdivision agreement, LANDS OF DOYLE, File W13011-75. ?lotion carried <br />by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, Councilwoman hiller, Mayor Grabowski <br />N0: NON° <br />ABSENT: Councilman rlcReynolds <br />ABSTAIN: NOrd.F <br />7. Request for time extension on Building Site Approval - LANDS OF <br />PESTER, File #BSA6008-73. <br />Mr. Crowe reported that the arplicant had purchasedthe subject pronerty <br />late this summer and was in the process ofsubmittingplans, but only had <br />a short time in which to comply with the conditions of the building site <br />approval during which, the time elapsed. Applicant was now requesting an <br />extension of time, and Staff recommended a time of one year from the .!ate, <br />of expiration. <br />Councilwoman Puller moved, seconded by Councilman Helgesson to grant the <br />extension of time of building site annrovsl, '..ANTS OF BF.STTLR, File #BSA <br />6008-75 for one year from Sentember 25, 1975. Potion carried unanimously <br />by roll call vote (Councilman rkReynolds absent). <br />9. Request for Tentative 'rap revision, LhNDS OF PAURER, File #U12023-75: <br />rtr. Crowe advised Council that the applicant was seeking a revision to the <br />tentative map in order to better utilize the rronerty. The revision was a <br />change in the road end from a bulb to a hammerhead. <br />Discussion ensued. between anplicant, Staff and Council concerning the reasons <br />for the request, the applicant's desire to keep the road in question private, <br />and Staff's recommendation for the dedication of the road as a public right <br />of way. Council requested that the applicant submit the map they had desired <br />to be accepted originally in order for them to review the nroperty plans with <br />the road as a private road. Applicant so agreed, and with his approval, the <br />matter was continued to the Council meeting of February 4, 1976. <br />-10- <br />