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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 26, 1976 <br />(%, SPECIAL ORDERS (Cont'd): <br />10. Appeal on requirement for Environmental Impact Report, LANDS OF ROSS!, <br />File SBSA6064-75: <br />Mr. Crowe noted that the applicant was appealing the Staff recommendation <br />that an Environmental Impact Report be required on subject property in <br />conformance with State guidelines. Mr. Crowe also advised Council that <br />this property would be before the Variance & Permit Commission for building <br />site approval on January 28th, and Council might wish to review Mr. Rossi's <br />appeal and the request for building site approval at the same time. <br />Mr. Rossi explained the reason for his appeal, stating that he had talked <br />with many people who did not agree that the historical point of interest <br />was located on that property on which he desired to locate his home. Mayor <br />Grabowski requested Mr. Rossi to submit to Council any documentation he might <br />have, and the names of the people with whom he had talked for Council <br />review. Mr. Rossi so agreed, and with his consent, the request was scheduled <br />for consideration at the Council meeting of February 4th. <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />3. Approval of revised Conditional Use Permit w/ Exhibits - Adobe Creek <br />Country Club: <br />At the request of Mr. Gillio, this matter had been placed on the Agenda to <br />seek Council approval of certain wording changes in the Conditional Use <br />Permit for this property. Mr. Gillio stated that the wording in sub -para- <br />graph 'x' of Paragraph 9 had been clarified at Council request. Wording <br />for that section which was before Council this evening reads as follows: <br />"x.. Be entitled to use for human residential occupancy and habitation one <br />residence dwelling (limited to one family) and to use one other residence <br />dwelling for Club purposes (excluding any human residential useage) located, <br />respectively, on the real property described in Exhibit 'A', provided, how- <br />ever, that both residence dwellings shall first have been brought into com- <br />pliance with the existing Building, Housing, Fire, Electrical and Plumbing <br />Codes, respectively, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town, <br />codified or uncodified, as well as the current requirements of the Santa <br />Clara County Health Department and the Los Altos County Fire Protection <br />District, and proof of compliance therewith satisfactory to the City Manager <br />is furnished to the Town. Provided, further, that nothing contained herein <br />is intended to prevent the owner of the real property described in Exhibit <br />'A' and his lineal decendents from occupying the residence shown on the Plot <br />Plan as "Private Residence Area B 1.00 acres." <br />Councilman Helgesson moved approval of the wording clarification of Para- <br />graph 9, sub -paragraph 'x' of the approved Conditional Use Permit for Adobe <br />Creek Country Club as read by the City Attorney (above). <br />-11- (amended) <br />