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City Council Minutes
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7/22/2015 4:25:00 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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` CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 26, 1976 <br />ADOBE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB CONDITIONAL USE PLRiITT (Cont'd): <br />Mr. Dale Church, President of the Club's Board of Directors, stated that <br />this was a change to the Use Permit; that there was nothing on the Agenda <br />that talked about changes to the Use Permit. He said that this, to him, <br />was a total loss of good faith on the part of Council to make that change <br />at this late date. <br />Mr. Gillio called for a point of order, stating that there was a motion <br />on the floor which had not been seconded. Councilman Cheney seconded the <br />motion. <br />Mr. Gillio stated that he had informed Mr. Church in a telephone conversation <br />on the Friday previous to this evening's meeting that, as far as Mr. Gillio <br />knew, this matter would be on the Agenda this evening. Further, Mr. Gillio <br />noted that the applicants had not submitted to the Town a modified plot <br />plan or legal description to be attached to the Use Permit. He stated to <br />Council that the applicant was trying to set Council up for a possible legal <br />entanglement, and advised Council to act on the matter this evening one way <br />or the other. <br />Mr. Church stated that a plot plan had been submitted by the Club's Engineer, <br />which had not been acceptable to the Town and had been returned for revision. <br />C He reiterated that he felt the wording change was an additional change to <br />the conditions of the Use Permit. <br />Councilman Cheney stated that his concern, and the entire issue at question, <br />was that there would be one principal residence for Mr. Bellucci, and that <br />there would be one residence for Club use - two residences total. He said <br />he thought that this was what Mr. Gillio had read a few moments earlier. <br />Councilman Cheney stated that he had voted on that particular situation. <br />Mr. Church replied that, at the meeting where this had been discussed <br />previously, Council was aware that the nature of the residences in question <br />was duplexes. <br />Councilman Cheney responded that his interpretation of a "residence" was a <br />single family dwelling. He said that he felt this question might be raised, <br />and this was the reason Council had asked for the wording clarification. <br />Councilman Cheney said that if Mr. Church thought he had ever voted on <br />anything else, he wanted it known that he had voted on two single family <br />residences, and this had always been his intention. <br />The question was then called, and Councilman Helgesson's motion (above), <br />seconded by Councilman Cheney, carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: NONE <br />ABSTAIN: Councilwoman Miller <br />4 ABSENT: Councilman McReynolds <br />-12- (amended) <br />
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