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.V _. <br />Ll <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 26, 1976 <br />ADOBE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB CONDITION;[- USE PERMIT (Cont'('.): <br />When the roll for the vote on this matter was ca'„ed, Councilwoman Miller <br />said she would abstain as she did not understand what the change was. She <br />said she thought Council had already voted on this natter once. <br />Councilman Helgesson said this was correct. Councilwoman Miller questioned <br />whether she had not voted "yes” at that time, and Councilman Helgesson con- <br />firmed this. <br />Mr. Church interrupted the calling of the roll, and the Mayor called for <br />apoint of order, directing the Deputy Clerk to continue the roll call vote <br />as outlined above. <br />Note for the Record: Councilman McReynolds had disqualified himself from <br />voting on any matter pertaining to this issue previously because of a <br />possible conflict of interest. <br />H. ADJOURNMENT: <br />Council adjourned at 1:35 A.M. to their next Regular Meeting on February <br />4, 1976. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />-13- <br />