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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 26, 1976 <br />%W ITERS PRUVED FRal THE "TSENT C?,JFJDAII FOR :iEPARATE INSIDERATION: <br />2. Approval of Warrants: $37.073.24 <br />Councilman Helgesson said he had noticed a rise in prices for gas from <br />' the Purissima Hills Water District and asked if there was a greater use <br />of equipment owned by the Town or if gas prices had risen. <br />Mr. Crowe responded that he did not have a break -down of the costs at the <br />meeting this evening„ but would report back to Council. In answer to <br />Council questions, Pfr. Crowe stated that the Town -owned vehicles and <br />equipment such as the tractor and backhoe used the Water District's gas <br />tank, as well as Town employees when they used their vehicles for Town <br />business. <br />Councilman Helgesson reouested an analysis of usage for the past six <br />months, and Mayor Grabowski suggested that rules be established as to <br />who should be authorized to use the gas. <br />Councilwoman Miller requested clarification on the Minutes of December 17th, and <br />M7ayor Grabowski stated that the Memo from the Deputy Clerk which clarified his <br />statement on page 4, paragraph 5, to the effect that Mr. Thomas had not been <br />present at the meeting with the City Manager and Mr. Cunningham amended the <br />Minutes to his satisfaction. <br />40 4. Actions of Planning Commission: <br />LANDS OF SCARFF, File #V2021-75, J. Riley, Engineer: Recommended <br />approval of Tentative Map subject to conditions: <br />Its. E. Fiksdal, Chairman of. the Pathway Committee, noted that the Planning <br />Commission had rejected the Committee's request for a pathway easement along <br />the southerly side of subject property. She said she had received a letter <br />from Dr. Lyman, Assistant Superintendent of the Palo Alto Unified Schocl <br />District to the effect that the District would provide a summer recreation <br />program at Fremont Hills School and he thmight improved access to the school <br />would make the program more available to the schoolchildren, though he was <br />not acquainted with the subject property. <br />Commissioner Proft stated this letter from Dr. Lyman was not available at the <br />Planning Commission meeting. He also stated that the applicant had requested <br />the deletion of this easemant condition because of the several burglaries <br />and vandalism on his property at this location. Mfr. Scarff suggested the <br />pathway easement be deferred until such time as Lot 4 came in for further <br />subdivision. <br />Discussion ensued between Staff and Council members concerning alternative <br />routes to Esther Clark Park, connecting easements already granted to the <br />Town, and in response to Councilwoman Miller's question, Mrs. Fiksdahl re- <br />snonded that she did not have figures on the number of children who would use <br />this easement for access to Fremont Hills School. <br />-2- <br />