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City Council Minutes
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7/22/2015 4:25:00 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL KNUITS - Janna—, 26, 1P76 <br />SPECIAL REPORTS (Cont'd): <br />Councilman Helgesson also suggested that letters of appreciation be sent on <br />behalf of Council to the Town's Historical Society, Bicentennial Commission, <br />Homeowner's Association and Historian for their participation in the cele- <br />bration commemorating the Bicentennial and the Town's twentieth birthday. <br />Council so agreed, and directed Staff to prepare letters of thanks to the <br />Los Altos Nursery, Zappettini Brothers and the Daughters of Charity for their <br />floral arrangements. <br />2. Reports of Standing Committees: Traffic and Public Safety Committee. <br />Pfrs. Irma Goldsmith, Chairman of the Traffic and Public Safety Committee, <br />reported to Council on the Bicycle Safety Contest. The proposed contest <br />would start on Parch 10th and close at 5:00 P.M. on March 19th, the drawing <br />to be held nest day. She stated that participants would each be given a <br />pamphlet containing State of California bicycle regulations, the back of <br />which contained a quiz on the contents. These would be completed and de- <br />posited for the drawing. Mrs. Goldsmith said that all prizes suggested by <br />the Committee were related to bicycle safety. <br />After further Council discussion pertaining to the rules of the contest, <br />Councilman Cheney suggested that the 16 and Over category be eliminated from <br />participation in the contest. He felt that two categories were sufficient: <br />Category 1 for children 12 and under; Category 2 for children 13 thru 16 <br />years of age. <br />Councilwoman Miller moved, seconded by Councilman Helgesson to appropriate <br />the amount necessary for prizes and conduct of a bicycle safety contest in <br />accordance with the suggestions made by Councilman Cheney. Motion carried <br />unanimously by roll call vote. <br />3. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: Jtiastv:iad Fa-na Study Ccmmittee. <br />Mr. Steve McReynolds, Chairman of the Wesiwind Farm Study Cmmittee sub- <br />mitted a written report to Council on the Coceaittee's findings and <br />recormmendations. He briefly reviewed the charge of the Committee which was <br />to seek public and Committee input as to the use of the recently purchased <br />property by the Town. Mr. IicReynolds noted that a public hearing had been <br />held on October 28, 1975 during which a wide range of suggestions were re- <br />ceived by the Committee, which they attempted to refine. He also said the <br />findings of the Committee would necessitate further work or Staff time for <br />Council to make a final determination on the recormnendations. In response <br />to Councilman Cheney's question, Mr. McReynolds stated that the Committee <br />did not have the financial capability of studying the costs of various types <br />of operations, and there were conflicting, views on operating costs of a <br />horswereethatlthe property be uussed ase of the OpeneSpacce ortions. Other sold subject to restricted <br />development. <br />Payor Grabowski thanked Mr. McReynolds and stated if it were Council con - <br />census, the report would be accepted and placed on a future agenda for <br />consideration. Council so agreed. <br />-4- <br />
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