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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - Janaa, 26, 1976 <br />V SPECIAL REPORTS (Cont'd): <br />A. Presentations from the Floor: <br />a) Mfr. A. P1. Laws, Hooper Lane: As a member of the ":estwind Yarm S1ixiy <br />Committee, Mir. Laws stated that the Committee was unanimous in their <br />recommendation that the barn be used as a horse facility, but some members <br />felt the Town should not be involved in its management. <br />b) Mrs. Alma Rood, Stonebrook Ave: Wished to give Council a vote of <br />thanks in giving Mrs. Fava a building which will house a historical dis- <br />play. She also thanked Council for the resurfacing of Stonebrook Avenue. <br />She requested that action be taken to clean the culvert near her property <br />to prevent it from overflowing. <br />In answer to Councilman Cheney's question as to whether Culverts and drain <br />were cleaned in connection with an over all Plan, Mfr. Crowe stated that <br />there was no established schedule, but the Town attempted to clean all <br />send the Crew tolns checklthe culverto the a nyseason Stnebrook�in the Morning. he would <br />b) Councilwoman Hiller inuirad when the historical marker for the <br />ID -Keefe property would be installed. Mr. Crowe responded that he had <br />discussed with the Chairman of the Bicentennial Commission about an <br />appropriate Program for the installation of markers on historical sites <br />within the Town. <br />c) Mfrs. Florence Fava, Town Historian: Thanked Council for making it <br />possible to have a historical room for her exhibits. <br />d) t1r. L. Dawson, Mir Mirou Dr: Regarding condition of Paseo del Roble <br />and thought the problems should be taken care o£ by the contractor. City <br />Engineer Alex Russell said he would investigate the matter and report <br />back to Council. <br />e) Mrs. M. Saviano, Corte Madera Ct.: Thought there was a great need <br />in the Town for a schedule for drainage, road and Pathway wort: to be <br />done. <br />f) Mrs. J. Carico, O'Keefe Roa.1: Reminded Council of the Planning <br />atnSe to be held on Saturday <br />DeAnzaCollege.Shnoed that thworkhopwas s nsored by the <br />Planning Policy Committee of Santa Clara County, and encouraged any <br />City Comcil, Planning commission or inter -related Committee members to <br />attend. <br />g) Mfrs. Fran Stevenson, Beaver Lane: Commented that monies had been <br />budgeted this year for three pathway bridges and she wanted to be sure <br />that something, was done this year. Mfr. Crowe said that the original <br />plans were to use old telephone poles for this project, but he had been <br />L unable to secure them. He said that the Pathway Committee was preparing, <br />4✓ alternate recommendations and said a report from him and the Pathway <br />Committee would be scheduled for the second Council meeting in February. <br />-5- <br />
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