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4W <br />`J <br />V <br />CITY COUNCIL T".IRnJTES - : anu::- 26, 7576 <br />D. STAFF REPORTS, CORREsPOVEgCF $ ANNOUNMTES: <br />1. City Manager: Re^'rt on ?Ion -Conforming Uses: <br />Mr. Crowe directed Council to his memo noting that the 27th of January <br />' marked the Town's twentieth birthday and the day on which all non -conforming <br />use were scheduled to be eliminated. Ile requested Council direction to <br />Staff as to how they wished to proceed. <br />City terg <br />orderAttorney for Council dtoCestablishrasprogram ortplan fortheabatementwas <br />ofin <br />nuisances. <br />Councilman Cheney felt the initial step would be for Council to appropriate <br />sufficient funds for a mailing to Town residents to make sure they are all <br />aware of the ordinance. He was not in favor of an inventory to be conducted <br />ht that <br />enforcementcp procedures existed sufficient <br />alrreadyand lnotfurthereaction was r. Ile uneeded by <br />Council. <br />Council discussion ensued regarding Councilman McReynolds suggestion to ask <br />the Planning Commission for recommendations, and in response to the Mayor's <br />question, Mr. Gillio stated that the Tjwn should enforce the Ordinance to <br />the best of their ability and not wait until violations were reported to <br />Town Hall. Also in response to Council question, Mrs. J. Carico, Chairman <br />of the Planning Commission, did not think that the Commission would be <br />interested in studying the problem and making recommendations to Council. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mrs. T.Schick, Weston Road: Thought list should be comiled of the uses <br />the Town i allrnu, w is would be easio for the public a understand. <br />Mrs. M. Saviano, Corte ITadera Ct.: Suggosted a citizens group to work on <br />Pro ce ures or Cowin reconaation. <br />Por. D. Bellucci, 1".00,ly Road: Called Council's attention to various Ordinances <br />which amen�e t e Zoning Ordinance and thought the way they were written <br />gave residents until 1979 to abate non -conforming uses. After Mr. Gillio <br />reviewed the Ordinances, he confirmed that there was no change in dates and <br />January 27, 1976 was still the effective date. <br />Mr. A. M. Laws, Hooper Lane: In favor of enforcing, ordinance. <br />Mr. Steve MkRe olds Mood Road: Felt the twenty year grace period was a <br />su anent engt o tune to a low residents with non -conforming uses. In <br />response to his question, Mr. Gillio stated that certain uses were permitted <br />by the Town with a Use Permit. <br />Councilman McReynolds suggested to Council that a Special Study Session be <br />held to consider this matter since it was taking so much time to resolve. <br />He made this suggestion in the form of a motion which was seconded by <br />Councilman Cheney and it was unanimously carried by roll call vote. <br />-6- <br />