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CITY CDUNCIL PTINUPES - Janu9117 26, 1976 <br />LANDS OF STEGNER (Cont'd): <br />Town Planner Ken Pastrof noted for Council both natural and imposed <br />restrictions to the property. <br />Commissioner Kenneth Young addressed Council relative to his concerns about <br />granting building site approval and as outlined in his Memo to the planning <br />Commission. He contended that because of the potential development of the <br />area that safety hazards, both present and potential, should be addressed <br />before any building site approval is granted. <br />Discussion ensued between Staff, Council, and Commissioner Young regarding <br />the potential fire hazards and brush in the area which was a present threat; <br />the narrowness of the road at the point of the subject property; the lack of <br />a road maintenance agreement for the private road. <br />Alr. Ken Davis, applicant, addressed Council to clarify the record regarding <br />a flood possibility. He stated that the natural creek was what over -flowed, <br />and that was further down from his property. Fie stated he was in agreement <br />with the conditions imposed. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Itr. M. Kuranoff, S. Fork Lane: Stated that neighbors were willing to improve <br />the intersection o ree or s and Page Mill Road. <br />Mrs. Amn S Fencer Sherlock Court: Asked whether flood hazard would be in- <br />crease i. approval were grante and hk. Russell resnonded to her concern. <br />Councilman Cheney 'Ml'fII., secor�ls'.',y C'Ofcilu°oTa'-Piill' to grant building <br />site approval for LANDS OF S'P aTR, File #6060-75, subject to conditions <br />recommended by the Planning Commission. <br />Councilman Helgesson motioned to amend Councilman Chene,'s motion by seNing <br />the condition that the applicant be reauircd to participate in any r0a.. <br />improvement district that may be formed for the area from PagoMill <br />Soutt Fork <br />South Fork, and participate in a road maintenance agreement <br />Lane. Mayor Grabowski seconded the motion w'Ae-, carr sd uuanimously by roll <br />call vote. <br />The question was called by the Mayor, and the motion to grant building site <br />approval for LANDS OF 3IEG4F.R subject to conditions as recommended by the <br />Planning Commission and as amended by Council carried unanimously by roll <br />call vote. <br />4. Requestsfor Exemption from Subdivision Moratorium: <br />Crowe noted that Staff had recommended against the approval of subject <br />request for exemption, but the Planning Commission unanimously voted to <br />recommend approval. <br />Mr. George Eshoo, Attorney for the applicanttfi, addressthe ed Council,atms statinew <br />[ that the applicant was willing, to comply <br />�✓ subdivision ordinances. <br />-8- <br />