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CITY COUNCIL 11IN'UFES - February 4, 1976 <br />LANDS OF ROSSI (Gont'd): <br />Conmissioner Schick, representing the Planning Commission, spoke regarding <br />the actions of the Variance B Permit CemmissiOn, and the stipulation for <br />an archaeologist to inspect the excavation had been made in conformance with <br />the kJzdcipal Code. <br />Discussion ensued between applicant and Council members in relation to <br />the extent of such an archaeological investigation. In response to Council- <br />man Cheney's question, 14r. Crowe noted that any archaeologist must be <br />approved by the Town. City Attorney Frank Gillio advised Council that if <br />belrecstated; that thondition as ere apppeared todid beat misunderstandingt of as t Council' extent <br />of the required investigation. <br />Councilman Cheney moved to amend the additional condition imposed by the <br />Variance 6 Permit Commission by their action of January 29th as follows: <br />"Naiver of the requirement for an Environmental Impact Report, with the <br />condition that prior to construction the applicant obtain the services of <br />a qualified archaeologist to examine the site during the course of exca- <br />vation to reasonabl insure that an traces of archaeological interest will <br />not go un etecte ." C tion s y sslon action to Stan <br />s it rearms, Crnncilman Helgesson seconded the motion which carried <br />unanimously by roll call vote. <br />,Item 6 a), pertaining to the dedication of a 10' path easement along the <br />northeasterly boundary of subject property: <br />Item 6 southeasterly rbo borders of the propeto the rty connecting patheasement <br />Avenue along the <br />hir. Dexter Ahlgren, Engineer for the applicant, requested a modification to <br />the pathway conditions. He felt that condition 6 a) would be better <br />addressed when the lands came in for subdivision. He recom. nded the re- <br />moval of condition 6 b) , stating that the pathway did not go anywhere, and <br />that property owners in the area should be heard before any decision was <br />made on such a pathway requirement. <br />Commissioner Schick stated that the pathway recommendations had come to the <br />Commission from the Pathway Committee, and the Chairman was in the audience, <br />and might present the Committee's views. <br />Mrs. Elizabeth Fiksdahl, Chairman of the Pathway Committee, addressed Council <br />regarding the Committee's rationale, pointing out the present pathway <br />along Sunnerhill, which was along the top of the bank. The concern of the <br />Comaittee was the possibility of future erosion problems which might <br />eliminate the pathway. Item 6 b) dealt with a pathway to St. Nicholas <br />school. <br />Meakin from the Floor: <br />Air. J. in <br />Twome President of the St. Nichols Schoolard: Board <br />in <br />avor o pa y at is tome, ani e property <br />-4- <br />