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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1976 <br />D. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports of Standing ComitteeS: Environmental Design Committee, Mr. <br />Chris Smith, Chairman: <br />Mr. Smith, Chai man of the Committee, presented Council with the accomplish- <br />ments of the Committee during the year to date, showing slides of the <br />median strips along El Monte and Arastradero Road before and after their <br />landscaping. He noted that the Committee had also planned to improve the <br />entrances to the Town, but did not feel that this would be accomplished in <br />the present fiscal year. He stated that the Committee had approximately <br />$6,000 remaining in their budget which they would like to use toward the <br />completion of two other projects they felt were more timely: one, the <br />landscapinq of the Town -owned property at Edith and Fremont, to be designated <br />"Anza Corner." The second would be the completion of the landscaping project <br />at Town hall. Mr. Smith stated that the amount needed to complete both <br />projects would be approximately $10-11, thousand dollars. <br />Mr. Smith also discussed the possibility of community involvement in the <br />project of landscaping Anza Corner, but if the landscaping at Town Hall were <br />also to be completed, additional funds would be needed. He requested Council <br />input as to what they felt the priorities should be, but the Committee had <br />favored Anza Corners. In response to Mayor Cheney, Mr. Smith stated that if <br />both projects were done at once, a savings could be realized. <br />Councilman Grabowski, after discussion about including Town Hall landscaping <br />4W in next year's budget, agreed that much time would be lost. In response to <br />Council, Mr. Crowe'said that, if Council wished, the additional funds could <br />be reallocated for this purpose. <br />Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad and carried <br />unanimously by roll call vote to appropriate an additional $6,000 for the <br />completion of Anza Corner and Town Hall landscaping to be undertaken <br />immediately. <br />2. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: NONE <br />3. Presentations from the Floor: <br />a. Mrs. Irma Goldsmith, Chairman, Traffic & Public Safety Committee: <br />Speaking in regard to the Bicycle Safety Contest presently underway, <br />Mrs. Goldsmith said there was much enthusiasm and felt the contest would <br />generate nuch good will, as well as making students more aware of bike <br />safety. She noted that the drawing for the prizes was scheduled for <br />Saturday, March 20th at 2:00 P.M. at Town Hall, and invited the members <br />of the Council to attend. <br />Mayor Cheney requested that as many members of Council as possible be on <br />hand for the drawing. <br />Mrs. Goldsmith also announced that Purissima School would be sponsoring <br />a bicycle safety Rodeo to be held some time in April. <br />-3- <br />