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4W <br />6W <br />4W <br />CITY COUNCIL lIBUTES-Harch 17, 1976 <br />E. STAFF REPORTS,, CORRESPONDENCE & ANNOUNCEME,,rrS: <br />City Manager: <br />a. Report on Employee's Retirement System: fir. Crowe directed Council <br />to his Memo of Narch 12th which advised that the two year waiting period <br />W terminate the ToWs Social Security contract would be ending at the <br />end of this fiscal quarter. He noted that at the time this Resolution <br />of Intent was adopted, Council had agreed to amend the Public Employees <br />Retirement System contract (P.E.R.S.) to include the death benefits that <br />would be lost in dropping Social Security. Mr. Crowe also pointed out <br />that, because of recently enacted legislation, the Town could increase <br />the benefits for employees under P.E.R.S., and at the same time realize <br />a further savings to the Town. lie therefore recommended that Council <br />adopt the Resolution of Intent to amend the P.E.R.S. contract and <br />schedule the Ordinance for Introduction for the next Council meeting. <br />Councilman Grabowski moved� seconded by Councilman 3rown and unanimously <br />carried by roll call vote to adopt Resolution #945 declaring intention <br />to amend contract between Town and Public Employees Retirement System. <br />b) Request for support of SBI510: Hr. Crowe noted that a letter had <br />been received by Council from the Local Agency Formation Commission <br />(LAFCO), requesting that Council support S51510 introduced by Senator <br />Alquist. This bill would permit cities to annex unincorporated islands <br />of territory of any size without elections. The procedures for these <br />annexations would be similar to those used for annexing uninhabited <br />territory. <br />After discussion by Council, Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Mayor Cheney to direct the City Manager to write a letter to the Senate <br />Local Government Committee, who would be hearing the bill, indicating <br />support for the passage of SB1510. Motion carried by the following roll <br />call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Brm4n, Grabowski, Councilwoman Hillestad, Mayor Cheney <br />110: Councilman Proft <br />ABSENT: NONE <br />ABSTAIH: MONE <br />c) Introduction of SB#1634: fir. Crowe inforT.ied Council that, as a <br />result of the efforts of former Mayor Grabowski, Senator deromL Smith <br />had introduced SBI634, coauthored by Assemblyman Richard Hayden, which, <br />if adopted, would authorize community college governing boards to re- <br />inburse cities, counties and other governmental entities for services <br />Which provide a benefit to the district. <br />F. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Public Hearing: Consideration of abandonment of a portion of a certain <br />road (Flena Road): <br />At the request of City Attorney Frank Gillio, Councilman Brown moved, <br />seconded by Councilman Proft and unanimously carried to continue this matter <br />to the next Council meeting (April 7, 1976). <br />-4- <br />