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4W <br />4W <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1976 <br />LANDS OF ROSSI (Cont'd.): <br />Mr. Rossi also stated that, in discussing the matter with his Engineer, Mr. <br />Dexter Algren, it was felt that the original location of the Mesa Adobe <br />could not be certified, and in response to Councilwoman Hillestad, he stated <br />that he had been aware of the Town's designation of the property as a <br />historical point of interest when he purchased the property. <br />Further discussion ensued with the concersus of Council being that an <br />impartial person who was qualified should study the evidence and make a <br />report of the fin�ings to Council. <br />Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilman Proft to deny without <br />prejudice the request for change in the designation of the historical point <br />point of interest, LANDS OF ROSSI. Motion carried unanimously by roll call <br />vote. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mrs. Irma Goldsmith, Elena Road: Requested to know What objection the appli- <br />cant had to such a designation on his property. <br />G. GENERAL ORDERS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Council appointments as representatives to Inter -Government Agencies, <br />Commissions and Committees: <br />Mayor Cheney noted that, because of the recent Council changes, many <br />vacancies existed on various Commissions, Agencies, etc., which were held by <br />former Council members. He said that, although the Mayor had the prerogative <br />of appointing, he would like to know if any Council members had any preference <br />for the agencies listed. <br />Councilman Grabowski noted that the City Engineer was now the official <br />representative to the Northwest Zone Flood Control Advisory Board, and that <br />former Councilwoman Miller had been the principal representative to the <br />Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board. <br />New Council Members asked if more information could be supplied regarding <br />meeting dates and times, and the duties of each appointment, so they would be <br />better able to respond. Mayor Cheney requested that the secretary obtain <br />the requested information for the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. <br />Mayor Cheney also indicated that he would like to continue as Council's <br />representative to the Planning Policy Committee to provide continuity, and <br />Planning Commission Chairman, Mrs. J. Carico, requested to remain the Plannin( <br />Commission's representative on that Committee. <br />H. NEW BUSINESS: <br />1. Town Planner: Requested that Council consider at least one appointment <br />to the Planning Commission as a priority of business, since there were only <br />four members on the Conmission presently. Council discussion ensued. and <br />(1W concensus was to interview applicants at an adjourned meeting and appoint <br />at least one Commissioner at that time. <br />-6- <br />