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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 7, 1976 <br />D. STAFF REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS; <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Letter from Transit District Board of Supervisors: <br />Mr. Crowe noted the letter received from the Chairman of the Transit <br />District requesting that Council appoint a citizens advisory ccrmitte.e <br />to make recommendations to them with reference to public transportation. <br />After discussion, Council agreed that the Town's Traffic and Public <br />Safety Committee might assume this charge along with their other duties, <br />since this matter was related to the efforts of that Committee. Mayor <br />Cheney requested that Staff prepare a letter to the Board of Supervisors <br />to this effect, and a letter be directed to the Traffic and Public <br />Safety Committee in this regard. <br />b) ICC Meeting, Sacramento: <br />Mr. Crowe noted that the annual Inter -City Council trip to Sacramento <br />for the purpose of meeting with area Legislators would be held on May 5th <br />this year. He requested all Council members who were interested in <br />attending to notify his office so he could make arrangements. <br />` c) Palo Alto School District Meeting: <br />Mr. Crowe announced that he had received a call from Dr. Lyman of the <br />Palo Alto School District informing him that a meeting would be held <br />on April 19th at 7:45 PM to discuss plans for the Fremont Hills School. <br />The meeting will be held in the School's Multi-purpose Room. <br />d) Request to raze tree in public right-of-way: <br />Presenting Council with pictures of a targe oak tree along Page Hill <br />Road which had caused problems in the past because of it's leaning <br />into the road, Mr. Crowe requested permission to expend approximately <br />$250.00 for its removal. He also noted that the Environmental Design <br />Committee had requested that, if Council consented, they wished to have <br />a portion of the tree to be utilized as a split -log bench for the <br />proposed "Anza Corner" at Fremont and Edith. <br />Discussion ensued between Council, City Manager and Mrs. Gould of the <br />Environmental Design Committee relative to the subject. It was agreed <br />by Council that the City Manager should be directed to proceed with <br />removino the hazardous tree and working with the Environmental Design <br />Committee in the utilization of the rood. <br />2. City Engineer: Report on condition. of Paseo del Robles. <br />Referencing City Engineer Alex Russell's ramo to Council dated March 31, <br />1976, fir. Crowe noted that the road maintenance agreement for this sub- <br />division was still in effect, and if Council concurred, Staff would pro- <br />ceed to notify the bonding company that if the subdivider did not bring <br />the road up to Tonin standards as agreed, the Term would proceed to have <br />the nark completed and attach the bond. <br />-3- <br />
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