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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 7, 1476 <br />STAFF REPORTS (Cont'd): <br />Condition of Paseo del Robles (Cont'd): <br />City Engineer Alex Russell recommended the road improvement should consist <br />of having the road reshaped and a 2-2�i" overlay be put on it. He also noted <br />that a letter expressing the Town's concerns had been directed to the sub- <br />divider. <br />City Attorney Frank Gillio recommended that the Town wait a reasonable length <br />of time, and if no response is received from the subdivider, the Town proceed <br />with notifying the bonding company. <br />After further discussion on the history of the road in question, Council <br />directed Mr. Russell to proceed in this matter along the lines recommended <br />by the City Attorney. <br />Other Business: <br />City Attorney: Upon questioning by Councilman Grabowski relative to the <br />status of the preparation of a letter to residents concerning non -conforming <br />uses, Mr. Gillio stated that this letter would be ready for Council's review <br />within the following week. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />4W 1. Public Hearing: Consideration of the abandonment of a portion of a <br />certain road Elena Road): <br />At the request of the City Attorney, Councilman Brown moved, seconded by <br />Councilwoman Hillestad and unanimously carried to continue the public hearing <br />on this matter to the next Council Agenda. <br />2. Request for extension of time for filing final map <br />Mr. Crowe explained that this matter would be placed on the next Council <br />Agenda for approval, but, because Council would not be meeting on the <br />regularly scheduled date this month, the time would have expired for this <br />subdivision; therefore the applicant was requesting an extension of one month. <br />Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilman Broom and unanimously <br />carried to grant an extension of time for one month from the date of ex- <br />piration <br />for filing the final map, ;ESOM SUBDIVISION (formerly Lands of <br />) <br />3. Request for Fina) 'lam ,Approval, LARDS OF !1AORER, File ,'33612-75: <br />Mr. Crowe note" that the City Engineer had found everything to be in order <br />with the map submitted, and that the City Attorney had drawn up the necessary <br />subdivision agreement and road maintenance agreement for Council's approval. <br />t41 -4- <br />