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4W <br />C'9 <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 29, 1976 <br />CONDITIONAL USE PUtHIT - FCEIIONT HILLS COUNTH'( CLUB_"_unt'd): <br />Condition 1 (see Staff Hemo Gated April 8, 197.5)s Councilman Grabowski <br />moved, seconded by Councilman Proft that the foiloviI. add'itioo be made <br />to this Condition: "Further, that the proposed new courts be defined by <br />a meets and bounds description to the satisfaction of the City Engineer <br />prior to their construction." Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the amplified sound on the property, and <br />Councilman Proft moved to amend Condition 4 to read, "There shall be no P.A. <br />system permitted on the premises, which was seconded by mayor Cheney. <br />S,eakinq from the Flom-: <br />Mr. Neil George, speaking for the applicants: Stated that p.a. system was <br />u:;ad only for horse shows, five per year in number, and only used between <br />10:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. fie said it was also used as a paging system, <br />Vre volume of which was kept dawn. If the amplified system were not permitted, <br />tha horse shows would have to be discontinued. Staff also responded that no <br />complaints had been received or noted in the Files regarding the amplified <br />sound on the property. <br />A --ter discussion, Councilman Proft's motion failed unanimously by roll tail <br />vote. <br />Condition 10 (see Planning Commission Memo dated April 20, 1976) - Council- <br />man Proft moved, seconded by Councilman Grabowski tod enon <br />dhis condition to <br />resd as follows: "There shall be at least one (1) F- <br />e at <br />all times who is capable of caring for said premises and who is responsible <br />for insuring that the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit are being <br />complied with at all times." Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. <br />Condition 12: (see Staff Memo dated April 8, ).976) - Councilman Proft c:ovcd, <br />seconded by Councilmdn Grabowski to amend this tiontoiread <br />ang s f>ilo s. <br />"This Use Permit shall be reviewed annually by Staff, <br />and City Council and shall be subject to any further conditions and amend- <br />ments as may be deemed necessary by the City Council." motion carried un- <br />animously by voice vote. <br />Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilman Broom to approve the <br />request for a Conditional Use Permit for Fr -moat Hills Country Club subject <br />the conditions recommended <br />to by the Planning Commission in their Memo dated <br />April 20, 1976 and as amended by Council above. motion carried unanimously <br />by roll call vote. <br />Councilman Broaun mrved, seconded by Councilman Proft, that, t;:C Frenont Hilts <br />Country Club file a request for an add'+tior:al C*aditionin Use Pby roil gcall <br />tl <br />secondary da:elling on their lands. Motion carried unanimously by <br />vote. <br />figti ai etas made by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad, to <br />waive the fees for filing a request for an additional Use Permit for both <br />LANDS OF DICKINSON and FREMONT HILLS COUNTRY CLUB for the secondary dwellings. <br />