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40 <br />CITY COUNCIL MLAUTES - May 19, 197G <br />Report of Planning Commission Subcommittee _n G!!e❑ Suace (Cent'd <br />Councilman Grabowski felt that the Hid -Peninsula Regional Park District did <br />not benefit the Town and requested that Council cons-idor withdrawing from <br />the District through a Resolution to the Local Agency Formation Commission, <br />asking that this matter be placed on the Council Agenda the first meeting in <br />July for consideration. Council so agreed. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mrs. Lucille Gould, Ortega Drive: Referred Council to recent article in <br />newspaper regarding the Mid -Peninsula Regional Park District. <br />Mrs. J. Carico, Chairman, Planning Commission: Asked City Attorney if the <br />Town had first priority in purchasing School District, State, or County - <br />owned land within the Town, to which Mr. Gillio responded that there were no <br />priorities. In response to another question by tars. Carico, Mr. Gillio noted <br />that the Town had the power to buy and sell land, but it also depended on <br />what type of funds were used to purchase such lands. <br />commissioner T. Schick, Planning Commission: Noted for the record that the <br />Subcommittee of the Commission had consisted of former Commissioner Proft, <br />Commissioner Young, herself, and Mrs. Lucile Gould. She also hoped that the <br />L Council would accept the report, act on it, and keep it alive. <br />Council Members agreed that the report was thorough and extensive, and well <br />done. Councilman Grabowski moved , seconded by Councilman Brown, to accept <br />the report of the Planning Commission Subcommittee on Open Space dated <br />May 13, 1976, and that the recommendations contained therein be agendad for <br />Counsel action the first Council meeting in July. Motion carried unanimously <br />by roll call vote.. <br />D. S7AFF REPORTS, CORRESPOP'.DEMCE & AP!NOUNCEi4ENTS: None <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Public Hearing re abandoning a portion of a certain street (Elena Road): <br />City Attorney requested that Council call a short Executive (Litigation) <br />Session before any further action on this subject this evening. Council <br />adjourned to said session at 8:35 P.M. and returned to resume the Order of <br />Business at 8:55 P.M. <br />Mayor Cheney announced that the public hearing on the above matter would be <br />continued to the second meeting in June. <br />2. Request for Final flap Approval - Fensom Subdivision, File #FM3CC5-74: <br />Mr. Crowe stated that the subject subdivision had been approved tentatively <br />approximately three years ago with conditions; that those conditions had been <br />met, the City Attorney had prepared the necessary Agreements, and that the <br />map before Council was in conformance with Town Ordinances and State Law, and <br />that the improvements were also in conformance with Ordiances and good <br />Engineering practices; therefore, Staff recommended approval. <br />