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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 19, 1976 <br />4W <br />SPECIAL ORDERS <br />., irdD FARM (Cont'd): <br />Commissioner William Hahn, speaking as the Planning Commission representative <br />read the specific recommendation of that body, which recommended the use as <br />a horse facility with the condition that it involve no additional cost to the <br />Town and the recommendation that Council consider conjunctional uses along <br />with a horse facility. <br />Councilman Grabowski requested clarification of the "landlocked" nature of the <br />property. Mr. Crowe responded that there was no other access to the Westwind <br />Barn except over the present access road through the Bryne Preserve. He said <br />this could be used for access with the consent of the Nature Conservancy, <br />since the use would be a recreational activity. <br />Council questioned Staff as to whether the Town could insist that preference <br />for boarding be given residents of the Town, whether a commercial enterprise <br />could be conducted under the grant deed stipulation, and whether a sprinkler <br />system had been installed in the barn. City Attorney Frank Gillio stated <br />that the use would be in accordance with park and recreational -related uses, <br />and thus would comply with the deed restrictions. fir. Crowe noted that the <br />Town could stipulate the preference only if a resident were available to <br />lease a paddock, and noted that a 4" pipeline had been installed up to the <br />barn for water, but a fire sprinkler system had not been installed to date. <br />After further discussion between Council members and Staff, Councilman Brown <br />moved, seconded by Councilman Proft, to direct the City Manager and City <br />Attorney to develop guidelines and conditions for soliciting proposals from <br />interested parties who would be willing to operate Westwind Farms in an <br />economically feasible manner at no cost to the Town. Said guidelines to be <br />presented to Council for review and approval. Motion carried by the following <br />roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Brown, Proft, Councilwoman Hillestad, Mayor Cheney. <br />NO: Councilman Grabowski. <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />TAKEN OUT OF ORDER AS IT APPEARS ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA: <br />B. 3 b) Request for Variance from setback lines for tennis court, LANDS OF <br />SCALISE, File #7026-76. <br />fir. Crowe noted that the request by the applicant was for a variance from the <br />side yard setback lines for the construction of a tennis court, and that the <br />Variance & Permit Commission had recommended that Council deny the request <br />without prejudice. <br />Mr. Scalise, applicant, addressed Council regarding concerns which had been <br />�W raised if such a Variance were granted. He noted there would be a minimum <br />upset of existing terrain, the visibility problem would be enhanced in time <br />with the plantings. He also addressed the six points outlined in the Muni- <br />-6- <br />