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4W <br />6 <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 19, 1976 <br />GENERAL ORDERS (Cont'd): <br />MATADERO RIDGE GRANT APPLICATION (Cont'd): <br />Speaking from the Floor against applying for grant funds: <br />Mrs. T. Schick, Weston Road Mrs. Mildred Gallo, LaLanne Court <br />Mrs. Lucille Gould, Ortega Dr. Mrs. Patricia Standring, Cortez Ln. <br />Mr. William Downey, DeBell Dr. <br />Speaking from Floor urging submission of application with final determination <br />made to accept or not to be made at a latar date: <br />Mrs. Elizabeth Fiskdahl, Chairman, Pathway Cemlitittee <br />Mr. W. Babbit, Via Ventanna Mr. Larry Geller, Vinedo Lane <br />Mr. Mike Kiernoff, South Forks Ln. Mr. Scott Bryan, Roble Blanco <br />Planning Commission representative,Nilliam Hahn, spoke concerning the use of <br />taxpayers money for such grants. <br />Discussion returned from the Floor to Council, with Council members expressing <br />concern that said grant funds were tied in with the Department of the Interior <br />and HUD and the statements of the City Attorney pertaining to recent court <br />decisions. Councilman Proft also noted the absence of an Open Space <br />Acquisition Plan for the Town. <br />Councilman Brown moved, seconded by Councilman Grabowski not to apply for <br />Grant funds from the State for the acquisition of Palo Alto Unified School <br />District lands (Matadero Ridge Park). Motion carried unanimously by roll <br />call vote. <br />Council also directed Staff to prepare a letter to the Palo Alto Unified <br />School District informing them of Council action this evening; further, that <br />the Town would not be interested in purchasing this land with any other <br />Town funds. <br />G. NEH BUSINESS: (TAKEN OUT OF ORDER) <br />1. Councilwoman Hillestad: <br />Councilwoman Hillestad informed Council that she had met with the Town's <br />Security Officer and the Deputy from the Sheriff's Department, as well as <br />the City Manager concerning the urgency of traffic problems in the area <br />of the Little League Field on Purissima Road. She noted alternative <br />solutions suggested at this meeting, some of which would be temporary <br />solutions only; others which would be permanent. Alternatives discussed <br />were the hiring of a crossing guard for the times the field was in use; <br />the installation of a permanent flashinq red light; the installation of <br />permanent or seasonal stop signs. <br />Council discussed the feasibility of each alternative presented, as well <br />as their costs. <br />-8- <br />