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CITY COUNCIL MIMUTES - June 1G, 1976 <br />iV SPECIAL ORDERS (Cont'd): <br />LANDS OF RUSSELL (Cont'd): <br />Speaking from the Floor opposing Var. #7031-76, area requirements for <br />secondary dwellings: <br />Mr. Dave Rhus, Hillway Drive Mr. Ted Nall, Hillway Drive <br />Ms. Shirley Nicholas, Hillway Drive <br />Mr. John Riley, Engineer for applicant, addressed Council, stating that Mrs. <br />Russell's intention in seeking Council approval of her requests was to <br />upgrade her property by building a house. <br />Council discussion concerned the number of structures and accessory uses on <br />the property, Mr. Pastrof, showing slides taken of the property for Council's <br />information. <br />Councilwoman Hillestad moved, seconded by Councilman Proft, to uphold the <br />findings of the Variance and Permit Commission by approval r. #Jfcz 7028-76; <br />Var. #7030-76; and BSA #6069-76; denying Var. 7031-76. Motion caarr�ied-- <br />unanimously by roll call vote. <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />cr 1. Authentication of historical sites: <br />Council concensus was to refer the historical sites contained in the Open <br />Space Element of the Town's General Plan to the Historical Society for study <br />and evaluation, with the request that the Society report back to Council on <br />their findings. <br />2. Proposed combining of functions - Traffic & Public Safety Committee, <br />Pathway Committee with Public Works Committee: <br />Mayor Cheney noted that he had requested that this item be placed on the <br />Agenda, because he had heard many comments that there were many areas of <br />overlapping of responsibilities of the committees in question. Because many <br />terms were expiring on the various committees at this time, he felt this would <br />be the proper time for Council to review this matter. <br />Councilman Grabowski thought some input from Staff was needed regarding this <br />matter, and suggested that the Committees might be streamlined to avoid <br />the overlapping of responsibilities. <br />Council members expressed concern that people remain involved with the <br />community, and the work presently done by various Standing Committees con- <br />tinued, and that their input be sought concerning this matter. Council <br />concensus was to take no action on this matter pending further Staff input, <br />and to extend the terms of present Committee members expiring June 30th, for <br />Asixty days so they could continue with work in progress. <br />