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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 16, 1976 <br />4W GEHER4L ORDERS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />3. City of Gilroy request for support re litigation on San Felipe water <br />Project: <br />Mr. Crowe directed Council to the request from the City of Gilroy, asking <br />that affected cities join with them in intervening in several court cases <br />which are delaying the San Felipe Water Importation Project. <br />Councilman Proft moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad, to neither <br />support the City of Gilroy morally or financially with regard to their <br />proposal concerning the San Felipe Water Project. Motion carried unanimously <br />by roll call vote. <br />4. Appointments to Standing Committees: Held over for sixty days as a <br />result of Council action on Item F 2, above. <br />G. MF41 BUSIMESS: <br />1. Mayor Cheney: <br />a) Noted that Councilman Brown had indicated that he did not wish to <br />serve on the County's Transportation Commission, to which he had been <br />appointed. The Mayor said that, if there were no objections from Council, <br />fiW he would take Councilman Brown's place on the Commission. Council so <br />agreed. <br />b) Mayor Cheney also noted the receipt by Council of the resignation of <br />Mrs. Florence Fava, vacating her position of Town Historian. <br />Councilman Proft moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad, to accept the <br />resignation of Mrs. Fava as Town Historian. <br />Council discussed the need to appoint a temporary Town Historian, and <br />concensus was to approve the appointment of Mrs. Rosemary Meyerott as <br />temporary Toon Historian. <br />c) ICC Resource Conservation District: In response to Mayor Cheney, <br />Council concensus was that he should vote for consolidation at the ICC <br />Mayor's meeting. <br />Mayor Cheney also noted that the ICC had requested suggested topics for <br />discussion at forthcoming meetings, and requested any Council member who <br />had such a suggestion, to contact him. <br />A <br />-10- <br />