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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 16, 1976 <br />NEN BUSINESS (Cort'd)c <br />Mayor C'ieney (Cont'd): <br />d) Mayor Cheney acknowledged the letter of thanks received from commissioner <br />Schick for the flowers sent her by Council while she was in the hospital. <br />2. Councilman Grabowski: <br />a) Referencing Measure D on the ballot, asked if the Inter -City Council <br />and Planning policy Committee would be eliminated. Mr. Crowe stated that <br />this measure did not affect those bodies. <br />b) Noted the Memo received from the Deputy Clerk which Council had not <br />addressed in previous Budget Study Sessions. Mr. Crowe stated that <br />Council would address this request at the adjourned meeting scheduled <br />for June 17th. <br />H. ADJOURNMENT: <br />Council adjourned at 12:10 A.M. to an Adjourned Meeting at 3:00 P.N. on <br />Thursday, June 17, 1976. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />-11- <br />