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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 16, 1976 <br />4 <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd): <br />LANDS OF NORTH (Cont'd): <br />Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad, to epprove the <br />tentative map, LANDS OF NORTH, File #TM2034-76, subject to the conditions as <br />recomnended by the Planning Commission and as amended by Council (above). <br />Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports of Standing Committees: Report from Chairman of Traffic and <br />Public Safety Committee. <br />Mrs. Irma Goldsmith, Chairman, reported to Council on a letter received by <br />them from Supervisor Geraldine Steinberg regarding Magdalena Avenue parking. <br />Nrs. Goldsmith noted that she had received a number of complaints from the <br />residents in the Magdalena Avenue vicinity regarding people parking within <br />pathways in the area for the entire day because the owners were members of <br />car pools. <br />Mrs. Goldsmith recommended that Council continue the present "No Parking" <br />designation for this area since there were alternatives available to people <br />wishing to join a car pool. One suggested would be negotiating with the <br />American Orthodox Church located in the area for permission to use their <br />parking lot during the week. <br />After further questioning and discussion by Council, Councilman Grabowski <br />moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad, to support the restriction against <br />parking along Magdalena Avenue, and direct Staff to so indicate to Supervisor <br />Steinberg and the County Planning Department. Motion carried unanimously by <br />roll call vote. <br />2. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: None <br />3. Presentations from the Floor: None <br />D. STAFF REPORTS CORRESPONDENCE & AMNIOUNCEMENTS: <br />1. City Manager: Mr. Crowe noted that on the Narrant List this evening a <br />Warrant appeared in the amount of $16,500, which was payable to the firm <br />of Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch for legal fees for defense in litigation <br />relative to S.A.D. #9. Mr. Crowe noted that a claim has been filed by <br />the Town's attorneys in an attempt to recover these fees. <br />mac+ <br />Mr. Crowe requested Council direction regarding the letter he pr000sed to <br />send to Town residents regarding non -conforming uses. Mayor Cheney re- <br />quested the City Manager to re -issue his revised letter to Council and <br />to place the matter on the next Council agenda for consideration. <br />Councilwoman Hillestad requested that it be noted that she was in favor <br />of proceedinq with sending the revised letter to residents, since she <br />had reviewed it, but mould not be present at the next Council meeting to <br />indicate her position. <br />-3- <br />