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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - Jure 16, 1976 <br />SPECIAL ORDERS (Cont'd): <br />Subdivision Ordinance (Cont'd): <br />Mayor Cheney noted that, while this matter did not require a public hearing, <br />Council would listen to any member of the public who wished to address any <br />comments they might have relative to this subject to Council. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Dexter Ahlgren, Engineer, Boulder Creek: Took exception to the slope <br />density section of the proposed Ordinance as it pertained to lot size. lie <br />thought this eliminated the flexibility of developing lots in subdivisions, <br />and also thought there were adequate safeguards presently in force between <br />Staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council. He urged that this <br />particular section be eliminated from the proposed Ordinance. <br />Mr. Paul Nowack, Civil Engineer, Los Altos: Supported fir. Ahlgren's state- <br />ments, and cited examples of how the Ordinance, as presently written, would <br />cause more grading and cutting than the present Ordinance. <br />Mr. Norma6ergren, Broker, Los Altos Hills: Suggested that, as currently <br />written, the Ordinance might be in conflict with the State Subdivision Map <br />Act. City Manager Robert Crowe responded that the City Attorney had reviewed <br />the Ordinance for compliance with State Law, and that no conflict existed. <br />Mr. Ray S:ossi, La P1t]vma Dr.; Supporting statements of Civil Engineers who <br />had previously addressed Council. <br />Mayor Cheney noted that Council had received a letter from Mr. Alan Lambert, <br />Gerard Homes, Los Altos, expressing concern for the same section of the <br />proposed Ordinance as currently written. <br />Council discussion ensued relative to page 47 of the proposed Ordinance, <br />Section 9-4.604 b) 3, and Mr. Crowe read that section as originally proposed <br />and subsequently amended. After discussing the matter with Staff , Council- <br />woman Hillestad felt that the matter should be settled this evening, but <br />should be given further study and amended at a later time. After further <br />consideration, Councilman Proft moved, seconded by Councilman Grabowski, to <br />amend the proposed Ordinance, page 47, Section 9-4.604 b) 3, as follows: <br />"In no case shallthe average net area of the lots within the subdivision be <br />less than the area required by the provisions of subsection (b) (1) of this <br />section for a slope of up to and including forty-five percent (45%)." <br />Included in this motion was the direction that Staff was to present an impact <br />study to Council within thirty days relative to the effect of this section <br />as previously amended. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: <br />4 AYE: Ccuncilmen Grabowski, Proft, Mayor Cheney <br />NO: Councilwoman Hillestad <br />ABSENT: Councilman Brown <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />-7- <br />