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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 16, 1976 <br />G SPECIAL ORDERS (Cont'd): <br />Councilman Proft moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad to adopt Ord. <br />11232 as amended (above) as an Urgency Ordinance effective July 3, 1976. <br />Motion carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilman Grabowski, Proft, Councilwoman Hillestad, Mayor Cheney. <br />NO: NONE <br />ABSENT: Councilman Brown <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />Mr. Crowe commended the City Engineer and the Town Planner for the many <br />hours they spent in writing the Ordinance. <br />3. Fire Department request to proceed in abating fire hazards on certain <br />parcels within the Town: <br />Mr. Crowe noted that an additional request had been received by the Town from <br />the Fire District, requesting permission to proceed in abating three <br />additional fire hazards on private property within the Town. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />hir. William Henry, Elena Road: Petitioned Council relative to letter he had <br />t` received from the Fire District, noting that the orchard in question had not <br />�r been disced in fifteen years, noting that the Town's ordinance specifically <br />called for weed control within so many feet of a dwelling. <br />Discussion between Council and Staff ensued regarding what the Fire Dept. <br />considered a fire hazard. Council requested that the City Manager ask that <br />the reports from the Fire District contain a little more detail in order <br />for Council to determine the severity of the problem. Council also directed <br />the City Manager to have Staff check the purported violations and the matter <br />would be held over until next Council meeting for determination at that time. <br />Councilman Proft dicagreed that Staff should be involved in matters within <br />the purview of the Fire District. After further discussion, the matter was <br />held over to the next Regular Council meeting. <br />4. LANDS OF RUSSELL: Requests for Variances and Building Site Approval, <br />File Nos. Var. 7028-76; Var. 7030-76; Var. 7031-76, BSA 6069-76. <br />Mr. Crowe noted that the subject property had been subdivided prior to the <br />Town's incorporation, and was approximately .7 acre in size. He stated that <br />the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the variance request re <br />the numbar of homes permitted on a ,-private roa, as -.,ell as tuilding site <br />approval; however, the Commission reconriendad �!enial of the raruest for a <br />variance frou the requirements pertaining to the area for secondary dwellings. <br />Approval was also recommended for a variance from setback lines for the <br />V dwelling presently on the property. <br />Town Planner Ken Pastrof reviewed the above requests, presenting a viewqraph <br />of the property showing proposed sites. Chairman Hahn reviewed the actions <br />of the Planning Commission and their reasons for the recommended actions. <br />! <br />