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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 197c <br />4, ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION: <br />1. Approval of Minutes: <br />February 25, 1976: Councilman Grabowski corrected the Minutes to re- <br />flect that Mayor Pro Tem Helgesson had called the meeting to order. <br />June 15, 1976: Councilman Grabowski noted that he had been opposed to <br />t e taf reorganization removing the position of full-time City <br />Engineer and had not seconded the motion. It was determined that Mayor <br />Cheney had seconded the motion under "Current Business", and the Minutes <br />were directed to be amended to reflect the correction. <br />June 16, 1976: Under 1 of "Staff Reports", Councilman Grabowski thought <br />it wise for the Minutes to reflect the names of the plaintiffs in the <br />litigation of S.A.D. #9 namely: Laurence Dawson, Lois Crozier Hoole, <br />Lee Tyler, John M. Fowele, John & Mary Steers, Blake T. & Barbara Upton, <br />John C. and Ruth Morrison, John G. and Elizabeth Ronsiek, Richard Morton, <br />Wallace Stegner, Hilton & Barbara Minckley, June Mcllwraith, Alan and <br />Margaret Kinkead, Marcus Stedman, Darlene Cowden, and Ruth Spangenberg. <br />Mayor Cheney corrected p. 5 of Minutes to reflect that the Public <br />Hearing (Item 1 b) was declared open at 8:49 P.M. On p. 7, 4th para., <br />Mr. Bergren's name corrected to Norman. <br />`. June 17, 1976: Councilman Grabowski requested that the Minutes under <br />"Current Business" be expanded to reflect the discussion that took <br />place pertaining to salary increases for Town Staff. He noted that the <br />discussion of Council in this regard concerned salary increases at a I4� <br />percentage increase, the high of which was 13%, <br />and a low of 5%, recommended by Mayor Cheney. He noted that Council had <br />finally compromised by voting for an 8% salary increase for employees, <br />with an 8.5% increase for the City Manager. <br />June 2, 1976: On p. 2, Item 3 a), Councilman Brown requested the in- <br />sertion the word "subsequently" be added between "as .... adopted" in the <br />Council motion. <br />On page 9, first para., the words "no longer" struck from second line. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Brown and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes removed from the Consent <br />Calendar as amended and corrected above. <br />4. Resolutions for Adopticn: <br />b) Reso. # appointing Norma J. Hislop as City Clerk. <br />c) Reso. #_ appointing Pearl C. Croy as City Treasurer. <br />Mayor Cheney noted that the present Ordinance did not cover the appointment <br />of the City Clerk by Council, and suggested that the City Attorney be <br />directed to amend the Ordinance to clarify the role of the City Clerk in <br />-2- <br />