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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 21, 1976 <br />SPECIAL REPORTS (Cont'd): <br />2. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: None <br />3. Presentations from the Floor: <br />a) Mr. Larry Giller, Vinedo Lane: <br />Mr. Giller requested Council reconsideration of the proposed Ordinance <br />which would provide for a public facilities zone within the Town. He <br />stated that he had reviewed the Ordinance as drafted by the City Attorney <br />for Council's consideration previously, and had reworded it somewhat <br />so that it might be more acceptable to Council. He suggested that the <br />Ordinance title itself might be changed to a "community facilities" zone, <br />instead of "public facilities," and outlined the wording changes he felt <br />would be more in keeping with the Town's present land uses and zoning. <br />Mr. Giller requested that Council take action at this time in order that <br />the Town could control the school properties which had been designated <br />for sale, asking that the City Attorney be directed to modify the <br />Ordinance along the lines he had suggested, to be presented to the <br />Planning Commission for public hearing at their next meeting, with their <br />recommendations being forwarded to Council at the earliest possible time. <br />L City Attorney Frank Gillio advised Mr. Giller of the Government Code <br />4r requirements pertaining to the posting of public hearing notices for any <br />zoning change. <br />Council discussion followed concerning status of the Ordinance previously <br />discussed and how the modifications suggested by Mr. Giller would differ <br />from it. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mrs. Mildred Gallo, LaLanne Court: Against Council reconsideration of <br />proposed Ordinance. <br />Councilman Proft moved, seconded by Mayor Cheney, to remove the proposed <br />"public facilities" zoning Ordinance from the table for reconsideration <br />by Council at their next Regular Meeting. Motion failed by a tie vote, <br />Councilmen Brown and Grabowski dissenting. <br />D. STAFF REPORTS. CORRESPONDENCE & ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Westwind Barn Proposals: Mr. Crowe noted that nine proposals had <br />been received from various persons interested in operating the Westwind <br />Barn as a horse facility. He suggested that Council might want to appoint <br />a Committee to review all the proposals and interview the applicants <br />�r and make recommendations to Council based on their findings. <br />-4- <br />