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City Council Minutes
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7/22/2015 4:44:56 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 21, 1976 <br />STAFF REPORTS (Cont'd): <br />Westwind Barn Proposals (Cont'd): <br />Councilman Grabowski stated he felt that Council should state at this <br />time that it was their intention to operate a commercial stable on the <br />Westwind property, since this had not previously been done. He also <br />noted that in reviewing the proposals received, he had found that only <br />three of them met the minimum rental proposed by the Town in the Guide- <br />lines. He did not think, therefore, that any Committee formed should <br />consider those proposals not meeting the minimum requirements. <br />Councilman Brown did not feel a statement from Council as to its intentions <br />relative to the Westwind property could be made at this time, since Council <br />was only considering whether such a use was feasible. He stated that a <br />Committee might find that none of the proposals received were totally <br />acceptable, and until such time that recommendations were made, the Council <br />should not state their position. <br />Councilman Proft stated he was of the understanding that when Council <br />authorized the solicitation of proposals, it was not a committment that <br />Council had made to operate a commercial stable. <br />In response to Councilman Grabowski's question, City Attorney Frank Gillio <br />clarified the tax which might be imposed by the County Assessor's Office, <br />which was a "possessory interest tax." <br />Mayor Cheney thought the City Manager's suggestion for a Committee a good <br />one, and one that would be very helpful to Council in making its determination. <br />Councilman Brown moved, seconded by Councilman Proft, that a Committee be <br />formed for the purposes of reviewing the proposals submitted for the operation <br />of Westwind Barn as a horse facility to determine whether any submitted are <br />feasible, and to interview those persons submitting the proposals. Motion <br />carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Brown, Proft, Mayor Cheney <br />NO: Councilman Grabowski <br />ABSENT: Councilwoman Hillestad <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />Councilman Brown moved, seconded by Mayor Cheney that the Westwind Committee <br />be comprised of Councilman Proft, the City Manager, Cdr. Joseph Dochnahl, <br />Mrs. Cindy Hettinger, and Mrs. Alma Wood. In the event any of the appointed <br />citizens was unable to serve on the Committee, the Mayor shall be designated <br />to replace him/her. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Cheney directed that the persons nominated to serve on the Committee <br />be contacted by Staff to determine whether they would accept the appointment, <br />t and that subsequently letters of appointment be prepared for his signature. <br />w Council also directed that a report and recommendation should come before <br />them for consideration no later than the second meeting in August. <br />-5- <br />
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