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CITY COUNCIL <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, California <br />MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING <br />Wednesday, August 4, 1976 <br />cc: Reel 91, Tr. I, Side I, 001 to end, Side II, Tr. I, 001 to 028 <br />Mayor Robert Cheney called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at <br />7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall. <br />A. ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: <br />Present: Councilman Brown, Hillestad, Proft, and Mayor Cheney <br />Absent: Councilman Grabowski <br />Staff: City Manager Robert Crowe, City Attorney Frank Gillio, Town Planner <br />Ken Pastrof, City Engineer Alexander Russell, Secretary Ethel Hopkins <br />B. CONSENT CALENDAR: <br />At the request of Mr. Alan Cummings, 26695 Snell Lane, Item 4, Request for <br />Conditional Use Permit for Pinewood School,was removed from the Consent Calendar. <br />Ms. Margo Sensenbrenner, applicant, requested Item 3, Lands of Utter/Sensen- <br />brenner, Request for Building Site Approval be removed. Councilman Proft <br />requested that Item 5(b), a proposed Resolution establishing a Police Reserve <br />be removed. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilwoman Hillestad, seconded by <br />Councilman Proft, and unanimously carried to approve the remaining items on the <br />Consent Calendar, specifically: <br />1. Approval of Minutes: July 14, 1976 (Special Meeting) <br />July 21, 1976 (Regular Meeting) <br />2. Approval of Warrants: $28,956.24 <br />3. Resolutions for Adoption: <br />a) Reso. 982 setting time and place for public hearing on proposed <br />Conflict of Interest Code for the City Council. <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION: <br />4. Actions of Planning Commission: Request for Conditional Use Permit: <br />PINEWOOD SCHOOL OF LOS ALTOS, to operate Private School at 26800 Ortega Drive <br />(formerly Fremont Hi-rTs-S-Uiool): Recommended approval of request subject to <br />conditions. File # CU8014-76 <br />AlanCummins 26695 Snell Lane expressed his concern over the availability of <br />e p aytng to a g mont Hills School for the AYSO soccer program that <br />uses the field on weekdays after 3:30 P.M. and on weekends. Specifically, <br />he wanted the Use Permit amended with an additional condition to provide for these <br />particular times. <br />