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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 4, 1976 <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION: <br />PINEWOOD SCHOOL OF LOS ALTOS (Continued) <br />Discussion followed among Council members. Chairman Hahn noted that all <br />of this was discussed at the Planning Commission hearing. Commissioner <br />Rydell had raised this issue and had instituted Condition 16 on this matter. <br />4L nn Riches, Mana in Director of Pinewood School stated that there was <br />p en y o room on a pay ng le orboth school activities and soccer <br />activities, that this problem stemmed more from lack of communication than <br />unavailability of the field, and that no one had approached them concerning <br />the problem. <br />Mr. Victor Riches Director of Pinewood School, stated that Sections 1.1, 1.2, <br />an ea very spec' 'ca y with a pro ems of the availability of the <br />school yard and multi-purpose room for public use. He would be happy to have <br />a copy available in the Town Hall. He also noted that Pinewood School and <br />the Palo Alto School District carried liability insurance in the amount of <br />a million dollars to protect themselves from liability for persons using <br />the field. <br />Mr. Crowe, City Manager, stated that specific conditions on the use of the <br />multi-purpose room and the playing field were dealt with both in the lease <br />t and in the use of public facilities in the Civic Center Act, and for this <br />`r reason more specific conditions were not included in the list of conditions. <br />MOTION: It was moved by Councilman Brown that Condition 9 be divided into two <br />parts: a) that the hours of Pinewood School operation when students are present <br />shall not be earlier than 7:30 A.M. and no later than 5:30 P.M.; and b) the hours <br />of school playground for general public use shall be from 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. <br />plus Saturdays and Sundays. Motion died for lack of a second. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilwoman Hillestad, seconded by <br />Councilman Proft, and carried to accept the Conditional Use Permit for Pinewood <br />School of Los Altos as amended by the Planning Commission, File #CU8014-76. Motion <br />passed with aye votes from all present. <br />3. Actions of the Variance and Permit Commission: <br />LANDS OF UTTER/SENSENBRENNER, File #BSA 6072-76: Recommend granting of request <br />for u' 'ng site approva subject to conditions. <br />Mrs. Judith Carico, Planning Commissioner, noted that she was present at the <br />�Gdiv's'ono .T ee mee 'ng out not at the Variance and Permit Commission <br />meeting where the subject application was approved. She noted that information <br />that stated she was concerned about the trees on the Utter/Sensenbrenner proper- <br />ty did not reflect her true concern. She saw no reason for a request of ten <br />feet of property on Altamont, and no reason to widen the road at Altamont. <br />She acknowledged the need to widen the road on Page Mill Road, but is concerned <br />that the applicant must move the fence on Altamont since it will cost about <br />four thousand dollars. Referring to Conditions 10 and 11 on the report, she <br />stated that her concern for the trees on the property was because they were <br />the only trees on the property and if taken over by the Town might not be <br />properly cared for. <br />-2- <br />
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