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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 4, 1976 <br />Mr. Bill Utter a licant, spoke against having the fence on his property <br />remove , no rng a in moving the fence back that the trees would be <br />damaged, and that the real problem lay in the large oleander bushes outside <br />the fence area. He stated that the path on Altamont deadends into Page <br />Mill and merely dumps traffic there. A path is not necessary. <br />Discussion followed on the traffic problems on Page Mill Road with Mr. Pastrof <br />noting that the Town had agreed to move the fence along Page Mill Road but <br />had never done so. Now,oleander, fence,and path all force traffic onto Page <br />Mill Road creating a traffic hazard on one of the most heavily travelled roads <br />in Town. <br />Mr. Bob Stutz 25310 Elena Road stated that this property was one in which the <br />roa a een wr ene a path should have been set back with the new road <br />dedication. The Pathway Committee assumed this would be done. He also noted <br />his concern for safety conditions on Altamont and Page Mill Road. <br />Mrs.Bets Fiksdal Chairwoman Pathwa Committee expressed her concern for <br />safety a ong tamont Road, but sad t at there was enough room to walk. <br />The 30 foot right-of-way refers to roadway, not pathways. She was unaware, <br />she said that the right-of-way fluctuated from twenty to thirty feet from <br />4 property to property as it went along Altamont. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilman Brown and seconded by <br />Councilwoman Hillestad to delete Conditions 10 and 11 of BSA#6072-76. Motion <br />passed on a roll call vote with ayes from all council members present. <br />MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Brown to change Condition 6 of BSA#6072-76 <br />to call for an in -lieu fee for a Type IIA path rather than construction of a path. <br />Motion died for lack of a second. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Mayor Cheney, seconded by Council- <br />woman Hillestad, and passed by unanimous roll call vote, to amend Condition 6 <br />on BSA#6072-76 to read: "Type IIA path, five (5) feet in width, shall be con- <br />structed in the outboard extreme of the right-of-way along the entire northern <br />boundary of the property along Altamont Road. a) Condition deferred until the final <br />inspection of the proposed dwelling." <br />At this point, Mr Utter questioned if he would have to pay for the path; Mr.Cheney <br />stated that he would have to pay for it. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilwoman Hillestad, seconded <br />by Councilman Brown, and passed in a roll call vote where all present aye to <br />approve BSA#6072-76, Lands of Utter/Sensenbrenner, with Conditions as amended <br />by the City Council. <br />There was further discussion on the problem of improving the line -of -sight at the <br />6intersection of Altamont and Page Mill Roads. Mayor Cheney noted that the Town <br />4r would be cutting oleanders on the Town's right-of-way, but improvements on the <br />line -of -sight will be on the applicant's property. <br />-3- <br />ITEM REMOVED <br />FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br />FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION: <br />LANDS OF <br />UTTER/SENSENBRENNER <br />(Continued) <br />Mr. Bill Utter a licant, spoke against having the fence on his property <br />remove , no rng a in moving the fence back that the trees would be <br />damaged, and that the real problem lay in the large oleander bushes outside <br />the fence area. He stated that the path on Altamont deadends into Page <br />Mill and merely dumps traffic there. A path is not necessary. <br />Discussion followed on the traffic problems on Page Mill Road with Mr. Pastrof <br />noting that the Town had agreed to move the fence along Page Mill Road but <br />had never done so. Now,oleander, fence,and path all force traffic onto Page <br />Mill Road creating a traffic hazard on one of the most heavily travelled roads <br />in Town. <br />Mr. Bob Stutz 25310 Elena Road stated that this property was one in which the <br />roa a een wr ene a path should have been set back with the new road <br />dedication. The Pathway Committee assumed this would be done. He also noted <br />his concern for safety conditions on Altamont and Page Mill Road. <br />Mrs.Bets Fiksdal Chairwoman Pathwa Committee expressed her concern for <br />safety a ong tamont Road, but sad t at there was enough room to walk. <br />The 30 foot right-of-way refers to roadway, not pathways. She was unaware, <br />she said that the right-of-way fluctuated from twenty to thirty feet from <br />4 property to property as it went along Altamont. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilman Brown and seconded by <br />Councilwoman Hillestad to delete Conditions 10 and 11 of BSA#6072-76. Motion <br />passed on a roll call vote with ayes from all council members present. <br />MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Brown to change Condition 6 of BSA#6072-76 <br />to call for an in -lieu fee for a Type IIA path rather than construction of a path. <br />Motion died for lack of a second. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Mayor Cheney, seconded by Council- <br />woman Hillestad, and passed by unanimous roll call vote, to amend Condition 6 <br />on BSA#6072-76 to read: "Type IIA path, five (5) feet in width, shall be con- <br />structed in the outboard extreme of the right-of-way along the entire northern <br />boundary of the property along Altamont Road. a) Condition deferred until the final <br />inspection of the proposed dwelling." <br />At this point, Mr Utter questioned if he would have to pay for the path; Mr.Cheney <br />stated that he would have to pay for it. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilwoman Hillestad, seconded <br />by Councilman Brown, and passed in a roll call vote where all present aye to <br />approve BSA#6072-76, Lands of Utter/Sensenbrenner, with Conditions as amended <br />by the City Council. <br />There was further discussion on the problem of improving the line -of -sight at the <br />6intersection of Altamont and Page Mill Roads. Mayor Cheney noted that the Town <br />4r would be cutting oleanders on the Town's right-of-way, but improvements on the <br />line -of -sight will be on the applicant's property. <br />-3- <br />
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