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Regular Meeting Minutes
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MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING FOR AUGUST 23, 1976 <br />AW Page Three <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: (Continued) <br />3. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: (Continued) <br />Mrs. Hettinger noted that the Council had before them the Proposal <br />Review Committee for Westwind Barn memorandum dated August 13 containing <br />the Committee Report on the leasing of the Westwind Barn. She reviewed <br />the memorandum thoroughly for the Council, and stated that she wished to <br />introduce the three leading candidates who wished to lease Westwind Barn <br />for stable purposes. She noted her pleasure at serving on this Committee, <br />and also the asset to the Town that such a piece of property such as West - <br />wind could be. <br />More specifically, Mrs. Hettinger then noted that she and Commander Dochnahl <br />had included in the memorandum a proposal that would reduce the proposed <br />amount of $30.00 per horse in the barn and $20.00 in the pasture to $22.00 <br />per horse. Mrs. Hettinger then stated that she was aware that a small group <br />of people wished the Barn razed, asking for more information on who had <br />authorized this request. <br />Commander Dochnahl Central Drive, a member of the Committee, addressed the <br />Counc w t s aff rmation that Westwind Barn was indeed an asset to the <br />Town, one that will be needed in the future, and one that would cost a great <br />deal if the Town would have to build such a facility. <br />t Mrs. Alma Wood Stonebrook, addressed the Council with a reply to Mrs. Hettinger's <br />(Ar report, ca ng er report as a member of the Committee, a minority report. She <br />raised issues concerning L' Mrs. Hettinger and Commander Dochnahl's minority report <br />on a reduction in rate charged horse boarders, on the feasibility of being able <br />to operate the barn at a profit, and the need ofapoll to survey the opinions of <br />those who lived in the area. <br />There was discussion among Council members following the Westwind Barn Report. <br />Councilman Grabowski stated that he noticed that the Guidelines the Committee <br />had submitted had been modified by that Committee. He also stated that he had <br />solicited the people who would be willing to raze the Barn if that was what <br />had been decided. Mayor Cheney directed the possible lessors and the candidate <br />who had submitted the bid for demolition to introduce themselves to the Council. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hawkins, 23170 Ravensbury, Los Altos Hills (County) introduced <br />erose ves o e ounce ssilf en�ly T , aaccis�1 gureis on his own experience <br />at making a financial success of operating a stable. <br />Mr. Thomas Brown of Atherton and Ms. Nin Hendrichs of Sunrise Arabians, Cupertino <br />introduced—rthemselves, stating fhaiMr. Brown would manage 6uiTding main end ance <br />while Ms. Hendrichs would manage the stable. <br />MissKim Silva "M Manuella Road noted that she had the background of both <br />parents Bing pro essina horsemen. She stated her reason for wishing to lease <br />the barn was that her children wished to move back to Los Altos Hills. She was <br />now managing a barn in Woodside. <br />
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