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Regular Meeting Minutes
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MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING FOR AUGUST 23, 1976 <br />v Page Four <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: (Continued) <br />3. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees: (Continued) <br />Speaking from the Floor: (Continued) <br />Mr. Jack Farnham Licensed Demolition Contractor Santa Clara Valle stated <br />that he wou raze a barn y an an remove t e concrete structures and <br />foundations. He would take out permits, plug sewers, or dig out septic <br />tanks; he would leave the land clean. He stated he carried his own insurance, <br />and that he felt he could come up with $500.00 to pay to the Town. <br />John Ewin Luther Road Los Altos Hills asked if the Council was in fact <br />preparing to ease eg twind barn. He urged Council to do so. <br />Fran Stevenson 26989 Beaver Lane, requested the Council not to make a decision <br />un i i was proven eas e to rent the barn. <br />Jo Cook 27240 Altamont Road questioned the ability of anyone to meet the <br />propose gui a Ines, make enough money, pay the bills, and still pay money <br />to the Town. He questioned taking potential lessor's time if the Town <br />were not in fact going to rent the barn. <br />Discussion followed among Council members on the possible leasing of the Barn. <br />Mayor Cheney's motion that the Council lease the barn to a prospective lessee <br />died for lack of a second. It was concluded that the Council did not have <br />enough information either way, to lease the barn or to raze it, to make a <br />decision at the August 23 meeting. Instead, they directed the City Manager <br />to obtain information requested in the following Motion, and to have the <br />matter of Westwind Barn rescheduled for the September 1st agenda. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilman Brown and seconded <br />by Councilwoman Hillestad to proceed with action on Items 2 and 3 of the Conclusion <br />of the Westwind Barn Committee Report, namely to direct the City Manager to <br />obtain a financial report on each of the three candidates introduced at the <br />meeting and also personal references. <br />All present voted affirmatively on the motion. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: It was moved by Councilwoman Hillestad and seconded <br />by Councilman Grabowski to suspend the rules and continue the agenda in the <br />time order. <br />AYES: Councilman Brown, Grabowski, Councilwoman Hillestad, and Mayor Cheney. <br />NOES: Councilman Proft. <br />At 9:10, Mayor Cheney called a ten minute recess, the meeting resuming at 9:25 P.M.. <br />4. Presentations from the Floor: <br />Mrs. Alma Wood Stonebrook Drive, requested that the matter of whether Westwind <br />arn s ou a ease s 6 Ula be decided by the voters of the Town, requesting that <br />the issue be placed on the ballot. <br />4W Mrs. Schick Weston Road requested that the Council reconsider the Conditional <br />Use erm <br />granted the vinewood Private School, citing safety problems with traffic <br />as it goes in an out of the Pinewood School grounds, and the hours when the gates <br />
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