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Special Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - September 28, 1976 <br />kw— CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont'd): <br />In response to a question by Mayor Cheney, Mr. Gillio interpreted the <br />Resolution before Council for consideration: that Council may exempt, <br />and if Council wished to take up the question of exemption, it would be <br />within the call for the items related to the setting of fees, that would <br />include who should pay them. Thought any employee of the Town who required <br />such copies in the performance of their duty was not covered by virtue of <br />the Public Records Act relating to the public. Thought any other person would <br />be covered. <br />Mrs. E. riksdahl, Pathway Committee: Asked effective date of Resolution and <br />was i'ormey�ttorney that Resolutions are effective immediately <br />upon passage by Council, unless there is an effective date specified. Asked <br />to go on record supporting Mrs. Schick, Mrs. Carico, and Mr. Giller on <br />objecting to this Resolution. <br />Mrs. Alma Wood Stonebrook Ave.: Clarified that documents submitted for all <br />ounce em ers wou not nave a charge to them, should they be submitted <br />for the Council Agenda. <br />In response to a question from Councilman Proft, Mr. Gillio reiterated that <br />the Agenda item this evening included setting forth charges for copies of public <br />records which included, by amplification, who would be charged for these copies. <br />Mayor Cheney commented that under present policy, the Town was charging for <br />copies of public records, and thought present policy adequate to comply with <br />State law. He did not feel this Resolution was necessary. <br />Mayor Cheney called for a vote on the motion made by Councilman Grabowski (above) <br />to adopt Resolution #993 setting forth charges for copies of public records <br />of information carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Brown, Grabowski, Proft, Councilwoman Hillestad <br />NO: Mayor Cheney <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hillestad, to exempt <br />from the provisions of Resolution #993, the City Council, Planning Commission, <br />Staff and all Standing Committees of the Town. <br />Councilman Brown moved to amend Councilman Grabowski's motion to include all <br />Ad Hoc Committees duly approved by Council majority. Motion to amend the <br />motion was seconded by Councilman Grabowski, with the caveat that Para. 2 <br />of Resolution #993 be adhered to rigidly, to which Councilman Brown agreed. <br />Amendment to the motion carried unanimously. <br />The question was called, and Councilman Grabowski's motion to exempt those <br />bodies stated above, carried unanimously by roll call vote. <br />rr' <br />-3- <br />
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