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FE <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, California <br />MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING <br />Wednesday, December 1, 1976 <br />cc: Reel 96, Side 2, Tr. 1 - 182 -End; Side 1, Tr. 2 - 001-274 <br />Mayor Robert Cheney called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at <br />7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall: <br />A. ROLL CALL: <br />Present: Councilmembers Brown, Grabowski, Hillestad, Proft, Mayor Cheney <br />Staff: City Manager Robert Crowe, City Attorney Frank Gillio, City <br />Clerk Norma Hislop <br />Press: San Jose Mercury -News; Palo Alto Times <br />B. CONSENT CALENDAR: <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Brown moved, seconded by Councilwoman <br />Hillestad, and unanimously carried to approve the Warrant. List in the amount of <br />L $12,807.26. <br />fir' C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Report on Town Entrance Sign Designs - Mr. Chris Smith, Chairman, <br />Environmental Design Committee: <br />Mr. Smith reported that the Environmental Design Committee had been investigating <br />different types of signs that could be used for the Town's entrances, keeping <br />in mind the funds budgeted for this item. The criteria had been to maintain <br />a rustic -type sign in wood that would be well -constructed and of good work- <br />manship. The quotation received for four signs was $2,107, based on the Town <br />doing the installation. <br />Council expressed concern over possible vandalism and considered ways this <br />might be avoided or discouraged. Concensus was to Agenda the matter for <br />further consideration at a forthcoming Council meeting, and asked Mr. Smith <br />and the Committee to investigate a more simplified sign within the budget <br />figure, and also to consider ways to discourage the vandalism of these signs. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Mike Schoendorf, Byrd Lane: Suggested the use of concrete signs. <br />2. Report on Committee Orientation Day - Mrs. Elizabeth Fiksdal, Ad Hoc <br />Committee on Committee Reorganization: <br />V! <br />